(Picture courtesy of NH GOP – Elliot Lasky caught in the act)
Seems like Harrell Kirstein, NH Democrat Party Communication dude, has some ‘splainin’ to do. OK Harrell – where does "getting caught absolutely red handed and in the act" appear on your Political Correctness scale?
So, yet another incidence of theft by high ranking NH Democrat Party candidates – what say you, Harrell? Lasky and Scold_Porter; two peas in a pod?
Will we see a "perp walk of shame" really soon for Elliot Lasky, the husband of current DEMOCRAT NH State Senator Bette Lasky? From the NH GOP (emphasis mine):
The New Hampshire Republican Party reported Elliot Lasky, husband of State Senator Bette Lasky (D-Nashua) to the Nashua Police Department today for stealing private property. This morning, former State Representative Lawrence Artz photographed Lasky stealing signs produced and paid for by the NHGOP. The Party also called on Senator Lasky to instruct her husband to immediately return the stolen signs.
"It is outrageous that Senator Lasky would deploy her own husband to steal private property and execute her dirty political tricks. We demand that Senator Lasky apologize and immediately instruct her husband to return these stolen signs to our Nashua office,” said NHGOP Communications Director Ryan Williams. “Senator Lasky’s behavior is disappointing and proves that she is willing to do and say anything to win this election – even if it means breaking state law. District 13 voters deserve better from their state senator.”
Nashua Police have attempted to contact the Laskys about the sign theft, but have not received a response at this time.
When Mr. Lasky realized he was being photographed stealing the signs, he began shouting obscenities at Mr. Artz. Mr. Lasky then approached Mr. Artz and tried to steal a plastic bag from his vehicle.
What? Once was not enough? Oh yeah, that Democrat motto: What’s mine is mine and what’s your’s is mine too! Protecting the Right to Private Property? Oh, that’s about as quaint as the Constitution – such an outmoded idea!
After a short struggle for control of Mr. Artz’s property, Mr. Lasky gave up and brought the stolen signs back to his Acura SUV with “Senate 13” license plates.
Under New Hampshire law “No Person shall remove or knowingly destroy any political advertising which is placed on or affixed to public property or private property except the owner of the property, persons authorized by the owner of the property or a law enforcement officer removing improper advertising.” (RSA 664:17)
It doesn’t get much clearer than that. Heck, if the Laskys are having a hard time remembering all those multisyllabic words, all they have to do is remember this:
"Thou shalt not steal"
Oh, right – is THAT why Progressives want religion out of our public lives?
The "get away" car:
If you look closely, you can see the special NH State Senate license plate.