The Boyd’s Go To Court

by Steve MacDonald

Duhhhhh...Jon Wesley and Theonia Boyd were in court to face charges related to an underage drinking party in Weare at which they were the "grown ups.".  As professors of Psychiatry and Pathology, there innocence hinges on their claim that they were "unaware any teenagers were drinking" the night of June 6th, this according to statements by Theonia Boyd.

I’d like to suggest that they ask for a refund on their, what must have been very expensive educations.

Here we have two Harvard medical professors having at least some familiarity with the college culture, from both personal experience and professional exposure, claiming expertise in the fields of Psychiatry and pathology, and yet it never occurred to them that people under the legal drinking age, congregated enmasse at a graduation party, at a private residence, might consume alcohol?

Let me guess.  College age kids don’t have sex either?



This claim to ignorance is not only indefensible as an excuse for the behavior (dozens of arrests and the discovery of some 20-30 cases of beer–not to mention that the police found cans and bottles lying everywhere) it should be grounds for denying tenure or having it revoked.  People this clueless should not be permitted to teach other humans to do anything.

Jon Wesley and Theonia Boyd should be the new poster children for the phrase, so stupid only an intellectual would believe it.  Which of course explains why Harvard has not taken any action in regard to their complicity in what–despite any particular feelings about the drinking age laws–is still currently illegal behavior. I’m sure the entire professorial community is aghast at the circumstances.  "Young people consuming alcohol….I don’t believe it!"

To this we can add a more common sense complication.  If they were unaware that teenagers were drinking, they would then be equally unaware that those underage drinkers might also be driving.  Since auto accidents are the most common way for people under 30 to shuffle off that mortal coil, (and in large numbers around the college age years) the greater concern here is either the claim to ignorance itself, or that fact that they think we are all stupid enough to believe the lie

Fortunately no one appears to have escaped behind the wheel.  The police impounded 30 cars.  But this is the kind of arrogant stupidity that results in dead kids.  The Boyd’s cannot be found guilty of crimes that might have been, but you have to wonder….if a kid did leave drunk and crash–ending one or more young lives, would the Boyd’s still feel inclined to use the same excuse?

(H/T Dan O’Brien-Union Leader)


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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