The ‘Grok was invited, so off we go! While the Eldest watches the house and the GrokDogs, we’ll be listening to this guy:
Come listen to the guy that is doing the job that Obama’s AG, Eric Holder, refuses to do – uphold and enforce the law. Sure, this guy drives the Open Borders squishes absolutely insane – for that reason alone, we’d go to just watch the foaming at the mouth, rendering of garments, and plain loony behavior they are opt to display. Sure, they are going to be there, trying to disrupt the proceedings, but the ‘Grok is ready to step into that morass as well in the arena of ideas!
Live stream will start somewhere around 11:30am to noon…
We’ll keep you updated via the live stream and tweeting (caveat as always: live stream; hash tag #grok) and we’ll see if we can get some vid of said loonies as well.
Popcorn for everyone folks!