Jack Kimball, former candidate for NH Governor, is not planning to "go silently into the night".
According to an email he sent out to supporters and friends, he has decided to form "The Granite State Liberty PAC". His core team will be meeting next week to outline their plans.
Jack came from the Tea Party movement, and, apparently, he plans to remain very active. After meeting with him last weekend (on "GrokTalk", the new, weekly GraniteGrok radio show), it is also clear that his passion and enthusiasm have not diminished. In fact, I would say that they have increased.
Jack has committed, per his promise at the end of the primary campaign, to help John Stephen win the election in November. The Stephen campaign has asked Jack to help in the remaining weeks; Jack has accepted and, in turn, is asking his supporters to help too, in any way they can.
Jack makes a very important point in his email. He highlights that, although he only gained 26% of the primary vote, that amount translates into 31,400 votes; more than any other candidate, expect Stephen, Kelly Ayotte, and Ovide Lamontange. Jack plans to use this accomplishment, and the influence he mustered during the campaign, for the forward good of the Conservative movement.
Jack Kimball has been a class act from the beginning, and he continues to be, as we push forward. It is clear that his future personal contributions, and those from his PAC, will be of great value to many political efforts, yet to come.