Brian Burch, who was (or is) the president of Fidelis Center for Law and Justice, a Pro family pro marriage, pro life group, and the head of Catholic, had this to say in the Catholic endorsement of Mayor Guinta for NH CD-1
“There are two great reasons why we must help Frank Guinta. First, we can replace a pro-abortion Catholic in Congress with a pro-life Catholic. But let’s also remember that this is New England and Frank Guinta has shown he’s willing to stand up for life and marriage. If we want to reverse the trend and see more pro-life and pro-family candidates emerge in New England, then we must support Frank Guinta’s candidacy now.”
Mahoney supporters will scoff as veins pop from their heads, crooked fingers pointing back eight years to refute the endorsement. But Burch is no wall flower on these issues. And he adds his name to a list of local pro family and pro life people who have stood beside Mr. Guinta in this campaign.
The left will call this another race to the bottom as extremist right wingers clamor for the acceptance of big money out of state, "anti-womens-health" theocratic troglodytes. (without noting that any consideration for womens health must not interfere with the ‘Hook Up’ just the "knocked up.")
Whatever the examination, while Mr. Guinta has scored an endorsement by a Catholic pro-family, pro life organization with a decidedly narrow focus, this seems to be the very point on which many single issue like voters in the state have gone after Guinta. They may not be appeased by this–they certainly were not impressed by any other pro-life support in-state, but it could make an important difference to some.