Steve put up the video on Ronald Reagan – Stark Differences. Indeed, the difference shown by the rhetoric of Reagan matched against that of current Progressive Leaders is stark in both syntax and semantics.
It also points up, however, a question: where is today’s Reagan? There are those that continue to look for "The Next Reagan" and point here, there, and somewhere else. Then there are those, not seeing a Reagan-to-come throw out the whole notion – AND his conservative philosophy as espoused in that quick clip as well (NH: think Fergus Cullen and others of that ilk). The latter is just plain stupidity at worst and at best, sound like Democrats when they talk about the Constitution is a "living document" – either way, totally wrong on both counts. The former is problematic at best, in my eyes, it shows an unwillingness to stand up and shoulder a responsibility that is incumbent upon us all – and not to be placed upon a single leader, as I wrote a bit ago (emphasis added):
I would turn that around a bit – WE need to become our own leaders as our current ones, by definition, have already failed us. The one thing that I have learned is that the old adage still rings true: if you want something done right, go do it yourself.
In other words, we have to do it – you have to lead, and I have to lead. We can no longer shuffle that off to someone else; we must, if we are return to that Founders Vision that made this the greatest country on the face of the earth, all lead – there is no more sitting back onto the couch and no more just being a lowly soldier in the movement.
No more can we just let government, after casting our ballots, run on auto-pilot...
Never more should we allow those we have elected, those that are appointed, and the many that are hired into the public sector, have free rein. I think everyone here on this list has learned the danger and disaster that mindset has brought about.
While there are some that I would follow (Jim DeMint is an example), I do believe that the best leaders are and will be ourselves – the outcome of that "culture change" that we ourselves have already experienced. I do not look for another Ronaldus Magnus – instead, we should all strive to be our own Founders – or as Beck says, re-Founders. And thus, be the leaders BY EXAMPLE to those around us.
This is the ultimate self-governance; appreciation of our Rights and not be demanding upon them and a willingness to shoulder the Responsibilities that accrue from those Rights (for Freedom is not free to keep) – AND to hold other citizens educatated and accountable to them as well
I wait for no man to lead me (I could run a joke here and say "Quick, I need a GPS!" but we do have two: the Declaration, the Constitution as well as the tour guides called the Federalist Papers).
Leaders will come and they will go. Each will disappoint in their own way – heck, I disappoint myself all the time! But to wait until there are recognizable leaders? I think the better way is for small groups like the Rochester 912 and the Dover 912 and the Manchester one and….(you get the point) all to be "The Leaders"..
In short – wait no more. Instead, pick up your Constitutional musket, load up that radical philosophy underpinning the Declaration (versus that of Progressives which is that failed and tired of the few ruling the many), and march to war – for make no mistake, we ARE in a war of ideas and the battle is on THE cusp between now and November 2.