Bill Binnie’s Having a Bad Day, Week, Month, Campaign…



Let’s talk about Bill Binnie for a minute, shall we?  He seems to be the topic of conversation lately, so let’s keep the party going.

From the moment I first heard him speak, I got some funny feelings, and not the type that affected Chris Matthews’ leg, either.  In May, 2010, Binnie had some strange answers to the questions posed by the Rochester 912, in their well-run debate.  I knew this debate would be interesting, since the questions came from the 912 members themselves.  The videos clips are available on the Grok (Opening, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7).

** For a more directly-critical perspective on Binnie, you can check out the "Know Binnie" website, chock full of interesting bits of info.  After drilling through this site, you start to get a clear picture of who Bill Binnie is, and who he isn’t.

Recently, I got a note from fellow conservative, Ron Marchand, the organizer of the Rockingham County 912 group.  On August 2, Ron’s group had a meeting, with Binnie as a featured speaker.  Ron decided to ask Binnie a follow-up question to a statement he made back at the Rochester debate.

Ron asked Binnie about the interstate-commerce clause, and the 13th amendment (pertaining to involuntary servitude), and how he saw that in relation to the Healthcare mandates in Obamacare.  Ron wanted to know if Binnie thought that the mandates were Constitutional. 

He also took the opportunity to remind Binnie about his little Rochester Constitutional Outburst, when he was challenged with a detailed Constitutional question.  An in-your-face move, Ron then asked if Binnie weren’t trying to buy this election, not having a solid understanding of the Constitution, never having held public office, and wildly dumping millions of dollars into campaign air-time.

Twisting the knife further, Marchand told Binnie that his actions made him "look a bit like the people that got us into this mess in the first place by treating the Constitution like a doormat."  Wrapping up his impressive b*$ch-slap, he asked Binnie to give him a reason to vote for him


As you can imagine, Binnie was most likely about to blow a gasket, sneer-faced and indignant.

I like the way Ron thinks…and acts.  What does Hannity say?  "Fire a torpedo of truth, at a wall of lies."

Binnie apologized for the "perception of snapping at the crowd", but made no apologies for pumping $3.5m into his campaign.

Later in the meeting, the topic of moving businesses out of the US came up, and Ron doggedly asked Binnie if he didn’t "shut down a US plant and move it to Mexico."  Binnie said "No".  (yeah, we already know the ending to THAT story).

As expected, Binnie’s handlers truncated the Q&A session.

Not a good night for Bill Binnie.  Seems like the whole campaign has gone that way for him, justifiably.  He should have just pulled a Charlie Crist and filed as an Independent, saving himself a whole lot of trouble, and Pesos.


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