Let It Burn. (America, that is.)


The crisis in our country is accelerating in both severity and in public recognition. California Governor Schwartzenegger has now submitted a budget to the California legislature that largely ends state welfare. He compares California to fiscally collapsing Greece, Ireland, and Spain (and California has an economy as large or larger than any of the three). But the Democrats control both houses of the state legislature, and so…. "Absolutely unacceptable!" thunders the president of the California state senate, Darrell Steinberg. So the dance of death will continue.

In the meantime, Professor Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit.com highlights an article named "Let It Burn" published at American Thinker, Written by an individual under the pen-name "Demosthenes," the article openly states that "America is lost," and that "social, political, and economic strife of a sort unimaginable" is now on the horizon. "These sorts of sentiments are becoming rather more widespread and openly stated" says an email sent to Prof. Reynolds.

Tony Blankley weights in at Real Clear Politics, saying "we are in crisis—and we cannot wait until 2013 to stop the madness and start the rollback." Calling Obama’s 10-year budget plan "the most irresponsible federal document ever released," Blankley writes that "Our job is to describe as vividly and credibly as we can just how bad ‘bad’ will be if we don’t drop almost everything and start cutting entitlements and everything else" this coming January. If such radical steps aren’t taken, we are quite literally facing "the "financial ruin of the nation," he says.

How bad can "bad" be? How "unimaginable" can "social, political, and economic strife" become if the power-mad socialists around Obama are not stopped from destroying America? How about the breakdown of the national power grid? How about large-scale interruption of food distribution? How about the collapse of the health care system? In the case of any one of those, we can expect, at the minimum, hundreds of thousands of people dying from strife, disease, and malnutrition….and the numbers might easily go higher.

Impossible, you say.

Perhaps. But if you hold the values that America was founded upon—"liberty, individual achievement, limited government, and the equality of opportunity" according to "Demosthenes"—you may want to start considering moving to New Hampshire. It will be one of the few bastions of sanity in the widening gyre of America, where the center will not hold, and anarchy is loosed upon the land. Why will New Hampshire be an outpost of sanity in a nation driven off a cliff by an unleashed political class? Because we hold to the old ways. We still believe in individualism, capitalism,  freedom, and a federal government restricted by a Constitution that says what it means and means what it says. If you hold those values, come join us. The Free State Project beckons.


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