OK, I am sick and tired of hearing the words “bipartisanship” or “bipartisan agreement” or “bipartisan commission”!
We have a two party system for a reason. There are some of us who believe in the Constitution, capitalism, free markets, limited government, capitol punishment for murderers, military tribunals for foreign terrorists, that abortion is murder, etc. There are others who believe that the state knows best in all matters and should provide for us from cradle to grave-if our mother makes the “choice” to allow us to make it to the cradle. These people believe that it’s acceptable for the government to regulate private enterprise and private property and then bail out those that fail due to those same policies!
The two parties should represent two extremes that are meant to be in constant conflict with each other-that is the beauty of the American system! When both parties agree on any number of key issues, we no longer have freedom, but slavery to a single belief system! The two parties are meant to be diametrically opposed to each other and each battling for their ideas and ideals! Why has “idealogue” become a swear word in America!! Because someone believes in something strongly enough to hold to it and not compromise their beliefs, they are called the “i” word and that is supposed to make them look crazy, so that they can be sidelined easily and not have a part in the discussion! Does anyone think that this great country came into being because every one of the founders agreed on everything?? The majority agreed on the right principles, and those that didn’t agree were outvoted!
If politicians from either party say that they feel it is their responsibility to find “common ground” and “reach across the aisle”, what they mean is that they are going to go along to get along and that they really have no core principles to stand and fight for!! They don’t deserve our support or our vote!! They can stay home and work on “consensus” with their spouse!! That way they can’t do any further damage to our already gravely imperiled freedoms!!
Now, the people elected Barack Obama as their president. To anyone that paid attention to what he said and where he comes from, it was obvious how he was going to govern and what legislation he was going to promote. He is a leftist, statist, progressive to the core. Shame on those “moderates” that supported him and then stood with their mouths open in amazement when he did what statist progressives do-he took over the auto industry and control of the financial markets. And he is gunning for the health industry! He is acting on his beliefs!!!
When liberals hear dispute or disagreement from the “other side of the aisle”, there first response is to demand “bipartisanship” and “compromise”. The moderate republican says “Yes, we must come together and find common ground for the benefit of the American people. We must reach across the aisle.” And the progressives smile and agree wholeheartedly. Because they know that the moderate-who has few if any core principles-will give toward the liberal side of the argument and not the other way around. There is no compromise with statism, progressivism!!! It must be defeated and shown to be what it is-a path to slavery!!
With all this in mind, what should the Republicans response be to the president’s offer to meet and debate his health care plan? Stand up and proudly declare that we are the party of “NO”. NO to statism, NO to bigger, more intrusive government, NO to government control of private property and enterprise! And proudly explain to the American people that Republicans are not going to compromise with progressivism, but stand for freedom. Tell the president that when he is ready to accept free market solutions, encourage private enterprise with tax cuts and less regulation, and convince his party of these things, then we can talk!!
Listen politician-stand on the Constitution and it’s principles and make them clearly known! If you get elected, then proudly fight for the Constitution and never let the people hear you talk of “bipartisanship” or “compromise”. Then you will be following the American way and serving the American people. Then God can bless your efforts and this great country!