Sullivan District 2 | Rockingham District 8 | |||||
Jillette (D) | Cunningham (Re) | Hurley (D) | Weyler (Re) | |||
Croydan | 19 | 109 | Hampstead | 57 | 397 | |
Goshen | 77 | 51 | Kingston | 181 | 372 | |
Newport | 138 | 327 | Plaistow | 49 | 236 | |
Springfield | 49 | 56 | ||||
Washington | 31 | 74 | ||||
TOTAL | 314 | 617 | TOTAL | 287 | 1005 | |
% | 33.73 | 66.27 | % | 22.21 | 77.79 |
In just 10 months a building political wave is going to sweep away much of the Democratic party in America. Much of the “political class” is essentially going to be divested of political office and power for the first time since Ronald Reagan was President over 20 years ago. And this year is only going to be a tune-up for what appears to be building for 2012…the further political defeat of Democrats and the political class that feeds upon them (for jobs, for power, for influence, for perquisites, for wealth extracted from the American people, etc.).
But the looming defeat of the socialist party that the Democratic party has become isn’t going to empower the Republican Party because Republicans have distinguished themselves in the past 20 years. To the contrary, many—if not most—Republicans in Washington, DC have also become corrupted by the power and stolen wealth to be found there and in state capitols. Those Republicans, like the Democrats, are part of the problem. Nonetheless, the people will vote GOP candidates into office often by default. This is because the statist, socialist Democratic alternative is so terribly awful. It is therefore essential that every Republican candidate be a break from the recent GOP “model.” At the very least GOP candidates now should be some variant of committed, anti-statist conserrvative. In a certain sense, it doesn’t matter what “type” of conservative, whether common sense conservative, social conservative, 2nd Amendment conservative, libertarian conservative, or free market conservative (classical liberal). Why? Because every type of conservative shares one overweening value: Opposition to the goal of the political class, i.e. government control of everything and everyone. As such, every conservative is at base anti-statist. This is because every conservative understands that rights are not granted by government, but are inalienable. And that the right to self-defense and thus self-preservation is inviolable. And that government properly has only a very few, strictly enumerated powers. And that government is never part of the ultimate solution, but part of the problem, while free, independent, self-responsible men and women are the solution.
Let me say this with specific respect to New Hampshire:
When the “good and correct” seeks to compromise with the “bad and wrong,” there can be only one result. The situation gets worse.
Why am I pointing all of this out? Because all conservatives have concerns and aims that are more important than attaining political power; that’s part of what makes them conservatives. They have jobs, friends, families, communities, and areas of interest that are not related to gaining and keeping political power. This means than in far too many cases, excellent potential Republican candidates say…”I can’t do it right now.” Or “I don’t have time for it.” Or “My job won’t let me do it.” Or “I’ve got too many things on my plate right now…maybe next time.”
All of you, know this: “Next time” is here. This year is THE Year for every conservative Republican to step into the arena. There has never been a time where you are more needed. There has never been a time when you are less assured of being swept into office.
New Hampshire has been abused and buffeted by really harmful policies and laws enacted by statist Democrats for four entire years now. The damage they have wrought is reflected in the falling standing of New Hampshire in a list of categories. The damage done by Gov. Lynch and his Democrats is ongoing as long as those policies and laws are not rescinded. ALL harmful laws and policies that the Democrats have forced upon New Hampshire over the past four years must be challenged, their harmfulness explained, and repealed. None of this can happen if conservative Republicans don’t appear on the ballots.
If you have EVER thought of running for the state house of representatives in New Hampshire—or even if you haven’t up to now—start thinking about it. You “think” you don’t have time, but you can make time. You “think” your job won’t allow you to help save New Hampshire, but you don’t really know that arrangements can be made. You “think” you’re too inexperienced or shy or unpolitical to do such a thing…but you’re wrong. You are who the state needs right now. All of you—and I’ve spoken to a number of you—should talk to a current conservative member of the NH state house of representatives (the RLCNH can put you in touch if you don’t know one). You will be surprised at how little time you really essentially need to be “in Concord.” Much of your important work as a state representative can be done at home and in your own districts.
Don’t just think about it. Act on it right now. —Tim Condon, Vice Chairman, Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire