
by dwalker

I was brought up in 1950’s America. My mom stayed home to raise my sister and I. My dad went to work at two jobs to make ends meet.

One of the many principles that my parents taught me was the principle of personal integrity. This principle dictates that your own personal conduct must always be above reproach. That you can not ask of others what you do not require of yourself. “Casting stones when one lives in a glass house” or “do as I say, not as I do”would be the correct analogies here. Somehow that truly American way of fair thinking has become lost to this modern generation of political commentary.

The recent revelations of Senator Reid’s unseemly remarks about then candidate Barack Obama are nothing more than the latest installment of liberal/progressive hypocrisy. It is no state secret that a conservative would have been excoriated for the exact same transgressions. In my opinion, justifiably so. Those types of remarks have absolutely no place in any area of our society. They are inappropriate,  no matter who utters them.

In examining this situation, what will become apparent is that most liberals/progressives are    hypocrites. My father would say that they are nothing more than selfish, whining little brats in desperate need of a good spanking. I would tend to agree…  but we’ll leave that subject for another article.

Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals has been the play book of progressives for as far back as I can remember. We have seen it used in the news media, politics, and in written form everywhere. Its influence now  permeates every level of our society. The evidence for this is simply overwhelming. Enough said.

 Rule # 4 of Saul’s rules says that you should make your enemy live up to their own rules. It does not matter what, or even if, you have any moral standards or values. In fact, you don’t have to and you can do anything you want. But if your enemy does anything remotely off base- attack them, demonize them, malign them.

I’m curious- Does anyone else think that such thinking is un-American, or am I alone out here?

I’d like to stress that I am not singling out democrats alone. There are a fair number of so-called “moderate” republicans who are just as guilty. There are good folks in both parties, and that is a truth we must readily agree to. To me, the “liberal/progressive” folks are the largest body of culprits, no matter what political space they occupy.

Aided and abetted by the mainstream media, and others in position of power and authority throughout our culture, this way of doing politics has become the new norm.

The results of using such tactics [and not having a media watchdog to properly protect and inform the people] has been the lack of standards, morals and ethics throughout  public life. Now, honor has been replaced by a new political expediency that only requires victory to be just. How one achieves that, well…. that’s another matter altogether.  

The tea parties are one facet of the public’s reaction to this new political pyridine. The people have had enough of politics as usual. Any elected official numb enough [or stupid enough] to ignore that fact does so at their own, political peril.

Americans are waking up and re-engaging in politics. The former comment of “they can’t do this or they can’t do that” without being involved is changing. Americans are returning to their proper place in the natural order of things- that of sovereign. No more the complainers, no more the whiners; Now the doers.

We are the masters of this ship and we will be heard!


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