A New Year Dawns

by dwalker

A new year is already upon us. Now is a good time for thoughtful reflection and consideration.

There is no need for me to recap all the bad things that have transpired over the last year. There has been enough press and reports to keep us fully informed, if we wanted to be. Suffice it to say that we are well along the road to socialism, economic slavery and governmental tyranny. The current administrations in Concord and in Washington are completely tone deaf to their citizen’s pleas.

It has taken us awhile to get to where we are today. Voter apathy and lack of any political involvement in local, state and federal campaigns has given us the government that we deserve. The worst part of our current situation is that the people could turn this whole thing around, if they would simply do their civic duty. The people need to remember that freedom is not free!

The Founding Fathers knew that citizenship was a verb; that for us to remain free, we must remain  involved. That is the key ingredient that has been missing all along. Much to their credit, those that are involved in the TEA Party movement, are doing yeoman’s work to try and change that. It seems that they now have a receptive audience.

Candidates are emerging throughout this country, whose sole alliance is to the Founding Fathers Constitutional vision. They will stand up against incredible odds. Time will tell if they will get the volunteers and money needed to wage campaigns against an entrenched and well funded elite. The mainstream media is almost wholly on the side of the Statists so the battle will be all uphill.

This next election will decide the fate of our way of life. Our future now rests in the hands of all of us. So what remains to be asked is this:

Will Americans embrace the darkness of socialistic slavery… Or will they walk boldly out into the light of freedom, as bespeaks their noble heritage.

Only you can answer that.


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