This year’s insane yearbook policy running amok story (isn’t there at least one like it EVERY year, someplace?) first came to my attention via Michael Graham’s website. Using a picture of a young soldier wearing the combat uniform cap, and another of a Muslim woman wearing the traditional headscarf, the blogger writes,
One of the photos above would be banned from the Merrimack High School yearbook. The other would be perfectly fine. Care to guess which one?
At Merrimack Valley High, the yearbook policy prohibits photos like the one Jordan Westgate submitted. He’s wearing his army combat hat, and he’s standing in front of the American flag. What’s the problem? asks Jordan, a senior who completed the Army’s basic training last summer.
To deal with dummies who submitted dopey photos for the formal section of the yearbook, Merrimack High put some basic rules in place. Among the rules: You can’t cover your head. Except when you can:
It certainly didn’t help when Dee, anticipating a fight and searching for ammunition, found a picture of a Muslim girl who covered her head with a traditional scarf in the 2007 yearbook’s junior class section.
Dee quickly slid the little photo of the Muslim girl across the kitchen counter to bolster her case.
"We feel we’re being discriminated against for being in the military," Dee said. "She had to wear something as part of her religion. What’s the difference?"
We ALL know what “the difference” is. One student joined an organization known for its discipline and professionalism, the US military. The other is a member of a group whose members have been declared a protected minority by American liberals.
Indeed. Read the rest here. What would we expect from a society that makes criminals out of young children that bring cakes and knives to cut with to school– both for the knife, AND the sugar.