Mike Pence (R-IN) on the House healthcare bill


Here is Mike Pence on the newly-released Pelosi healthcare "reform" plan seeking a government-takeover of the industry, courtesy of the Washington News Observer:

"The Pelosi Health Care Bill has emerged, and it’s just another version of their government run health insurance plan that’s a freight train of bureaucracy and mandates and taxes. And it’s just exactly the opposite of what the American people are clamoring for on health care."



"I’m very disappointed that there has not been more bipartisanship. I’m also disappointed that there has not been more transparency …  the very idea that all the negotiations this fall have taken place behind closed doors without anyone from the other party involved only to lurch forward today with votes expected next week I think is disappointing to millions of Americans."

Taxes and rationing and end of life death counseling? Why WOULD the Dems discuss that in the open? That’s the very point. They DON’T want anyone to know… until it’s too late. Then, it’ll be too late. Hopefully the majority Democrats and the Lindsay Grahams and Olympia Snowes of Congress will get the message that the only course of action is to kill the proposals dead, and start over from scratch. Thankfully, there are some great voices of reason on this issue like Mike Pence and, of course, Michelle Bachmann, who is encouraging folks to join her Thursday on the Capitol steps in Washington, DC at high noon to tell Congress NOT to take away our healthcare.



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