Starting Saturday morning at 9 am!
As usual, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and Now! brings an array of items and guests for your consideration– ALL STARTING AT 9AM! As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)
‘Grok contributor and education activist Ann Marie Banfield made the circuit this week, along with the rest of the crew attending town hall meetings, forums, gubernatorial announcements and other various events taking place across the Granite State as the political season kicks off in earnest after the summer break. Wait–there was a break? Not around here! We’ll discuss Ann Marie’s experience at the Manchester Carol Shea Porter town hall meeting and compare it to what Doug observed at the Portsmouth one. As reported in this prior post, Ann Marie went armed with plenty of info on the matter of tort reform, which, as she wrote here on the ‘Grok, has worked out quite well in Texas. Sadly, our Congresswoman Carol Shea Porter would hear none of that… Even the Union Leader noted this on their editorial page this week.
Joe Byron is the founder of the Honor Flight New England, a non-profit organization created solely to honor America’s veterans for all of their sacrifices. Through generous donations they transport our heroes to Washington, D.C., to visit and reflect at their memorials AT NO COST TO THE VETERAN. Top priority is given to the senior veterans – World War II survivors, along with those other veterans who may be terminally ill. Along with Blue Star Mother Karen Thurston, we’ll chat with Herk Stritburger, a WWII radioman shot down and held captive, who has recently made the trip to the Nation’s capitol. The group’s motto comes from Will Rogers: "WE CAN’T ALL BE HEROES. SOME OF US HAVE TO STAND ON THE CURB AND CLAP AS THEY GO BY.” Indeed.
Seacoast native Attorney John Anthony Simmons, allied with the Alliance Defense Fund, is a former State Representative, started his legal career as a prosecutor and has been in private practice since 1999, during which time he has served as Town Counsel to the Town of Seabrook, NH. You may have heard his name lately in the news, as he is the attorney representing the mother of the Christian homeschool girl in New Hampshire that has been ordered into government-run public school for having "sincerely held" religious beliefs. We’ll get the details, and find out what’s next for the Meredith girl and her mother.
Additionally, Attorney Simmons is involved in a case defending the use of the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance in Federal District Court. He also served as local counsel in a lawsuit against a school district who denied a Christian mother access to the “Friday Folder” where organizations send home information to the children about community events. This mother wanted to pass along information about Vacation Bible School and was refused simply because she was a Christian.
Simmons, with Co-Counsel, defended two clients who were arrested for street preaching on Hampton Beach. They broke no laws and were only exercising their constitutional rights. Prior to going to trial, a Motion to Dismiss the matter was granted after the State’s case was made and before they had to put on a single witness.
We’ll finish the show with a roundtable discussion by Doug, Skip, and Ann Marie. Among the topics we’ll try to hit on are:
Our "Dear Leader" President Obama’s reach into schools across the country. Does he really belong there? Is it even legal?
The Frank Guinta Town Hall meeting was a smashing success. Many of those in attendance agreed the Manchsester Mayor, seeking the GOP nomination for NH’s 1st CD seat, currently held by moonbat Carol Shea Porter, appeared well-prepared and conversant in the matters discussed. Heck, he LOOKED like a congressman. Why, he even READ THE BILL!
Paul Hodes claimed this week he’s held "a variety of forums" to engage his constituents. There are those that beg to differ. Do we really need ANOTHER US Senator from NH that artfully dodges the public? I don’t think so… Oh, and don’t forget, this public servant calls those who disagree with him members of the "flat earth society." All in all, It’s been a tough month for NH’s Democratic congressional delegation. What, you’re surprised?
Jack Kimball completes week one of his quest for the GOP gubenatorial nomination. Even the Dems have taken notice, remarking, that he "effectively touches that literally reactionary nerve," and that "he speaks for real numbers of people." They further note that he "does seem like a real candidate with an actual agenda… unlike Kenney and [Coburn].
And of course,=======>> Your calls are always encouraged at 603-527-1490.
WHEW! It all starts at 9AM EST Saturday. Tune in if you’re in Central NH at NewsTalk 1490AM WEMJ or live on the ‘Net here…