Guinta vs Shea Porter. What a difference a day makes!

by Ann Marie Banfield

Frank Guinta  Carol Shea Porter

Guinta waves the 1000+ pages of the Democrat proposal to nationalize healthcare. Carol Shea Porter accepts the mindless adulation of her comrades.

On Saturday I attended Congresswoman Carol Shea Porter’s town hall meeting in Manchester.  Last night I attended the town hall meeting in Exeter with her opponent, Mayor Guinta.

What a striking difference between Saturday and Monday.

First let me start by saying, I don’t believe for a minute, CSP would have scheduled a town hall meeting if Mayor Guinta hadn’t scheduled one first. 
Saturday’s meeting was scheduled at 11:00am yet word got out that we should arrive around 8:00am to make sure you were guaranteed a seat.  I wondered, is this a NH Congresswoman or the Pope?  Would she be meeting with her constituents or gracing us with her presence? 
With only an HOUR to ask questions of the Holy one, oops, I mean Congresswoman CSP, and with CSP taking up 20 minutes of that hour to sell us on how awful the insurance companies are, a rare few individuals were able to ask a question.  We were limited to 2 minutes and people like me were denied the opportunity to follow up our original question with facts that contradicted her answer. 

I did get to ask a question of CSP, thanks to the generosity of the man sitting next to me.  After CSP mislead everyone at the meeting on tort reform in Texas, he knew I had information that contradicted what she had just said to a woman who questioned her on cutting healthcare costs.  His ticket was pulled and he let me go up and confront her on her misleading information. (You can view the Youtube here— see this exchange starting approx 2:45) The Union Leader did a nice op-ed on this in today’s paper, as well.

In stark contrast, Mayor Guinta’s town hall meeting was open to as many people who showed up. We were "allowed" to ask our questions without any time constraints and we didn’t have to HIT the LOTTERY in order to ask a question.
Mayor Guinta took questions for the first hour then decided to extend his meeting another hour to accommodate the others who still wanted to raise concerns or ask a question. 
At the end of the second hour, it was time to end the meeting, however he again graciously told the crowd he would remain in the hall and those who still wanted to talk to him, could do so. 
This is a difficult issue to tackle.  Mayor Guinta spoke well and showed he knew this subject well.  I think those who are truly looking for answers, had many answered last night, minus the "sales pitch" we got from CSP.
I hope people will scan for a video of this meeting.  I went with a great deal of knowledge on this issue yet I walked away learning so much more.  I don’t think anyone learned anything at Carol Shea Porter’s meeting other than, she talks down to her constituents and she’s willing to mislead us in order to sell her product.
Whether you are for or against this legislation, one thing we all need to think about is this: currently we have a wonderful insurance plan provided to us through our employer.  They pay about 12% towards our premiums and we pay a monthly premium as well.  IF this legislation passes, it will give the company the opportunity to drop our insurance and pay the 8% tax which would force us into the govt. health care option.  Does anyone actually think all of these companies will pass on cutting their insurance costs? 
Yes we will all be forced into a government run healthcare program.  It will run as efficiently as every other government program which means it will be a disaster.  Are there solutions to some of the problems with "COSTS" in healthcare?  Absolutely!  Mayor Guinta touched on some of those solutions at his meeting.
Former Libertarian Presidential Candidate Harry Brown once said of the government: "They will break your leg than hand you a crutch and tell you…see we fixed it!"

When will we learn from the many mistakes of the past?


  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at:

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