More Video From Portsmouth: Duel Bullhorns, Dueling Protests


More video by Skip from the TeaParty protest rallies in Portsmouth where the One is holding court…

This video was SO great! First, Joey Dauben (who has written for GraniteGrok in the past – we hope to entice him back again) was Iron Voice Man all day long for the Pro-Liberty Pro-Choice folks. He and his trusty bullhorn, from about 8am until about 4:30pm, was RELENTLESS in his pursuit of the fallacies of the Pro-Obama folks – questioning, hectoring, presenting logical conundrums, and leading our group in some rebuttal chanting.

That said, Josh, the other bullhorner, would fill in when Joey finished his piece and back and forth. The Obama bullhorner had no chance to gain a lead – well done to Joey and Josh!


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