Mutual Interest? Mutual Respect?


9-11.     .Jumping Man- September 11, 2001.September 11.hostages. pro Hamas rally



Today, speaking in the Arab World, Barack Obama told them

We meet at a time of tension between the United States and Muslims around the world — tension rooted in historical forces that go beyond any current policy debate," Obama said in the address that included quoting Islam’s holy book, the Koran.

"I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect," he said. "America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition."

"This cycle of suspicion and discord must end," he added.


The Iranian leader Khamenei apparently didn’t get the memo:

Iran’s supreme leader said on Thursday the United States was deeply hated in the Middle East and told U.S. President Barack Obama that "beautiful" speeches alone would not improve its image in the Muslim world.

Speaking on the same day Obama was due to give a major speech to the Islamic world in Cairo, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the hatred felt towards America could not be changed with "slogans" but that different U.S. action was needed.


Me, if I was President, this is what I would tell them… ALL of ’em:

national defense

[H/T Pic: Kevin at Facebook]


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