Over the past week or so, I have been receiving emails from various friends and acquaintances making sure I got whatever the latest news happened to be from the new grassroots group STEWARD (Save The Economy Without Accumulationg Record Debt) , and reminding me about the May 21st Stimulus Debate the group will be hosting– led by Nashua businessman Fred Tausch. "Interesting," I thought. "The news of this fairly new group sure has gotten out quickly." And then I recalled the glossy mailer I got a short while back. I’ll bet my friends went to the website advertised and signed up.
And then, this week, another one showed up in the mailbox. I’ll bet this one caught peoples’ eyes, because it sure caught mine, taking full advantage of the infamous Air Force One "photo op" during which the presidential plane buzzed New York City, unnanounced, at what would have been "treetop level" were there any. But, even worse for the Obama Administration than reminding folks of THAT, STEWARD points out that it is symbolic of the true problem at hand:
When Fred Tausch decided to create a movement to "fight reckless spending and massive deficits" and to "raise awareness of the problems with President Obama’s stimulus package" which has since become law, he wasn’t kidding. In addition to newpaper, radio, and a very respectable Internet presence, STEWARD is getting to the folks via the US Mail with these eye-catching, informative pieces.
What makes this story even more interesting is the fact that Fred Tausch– a citizen and concerned taxpayer from Nashua, NH– supported Barack Obama for President in 2008!
A small businessman, an entrepreneur and an investor, Fred moved to NH in January 2008 because of its low tax structure which has no sales or income tax. He notes that his business experience has taught him that we don’t tax and spend ourselves into prosperity and he is passionate about preserving New Hampshire’s unique status as a smaller government and low tax state. To that end, he has gone from supporter to critic when it comes to the economic "solutions" emanating from the present leadership in Washington. In an effort to sound the alarm regarding the ongoing "stimulus" and "recovery" spending and the danger it poses for our economic future, Fred helped form the STEWARD of Prosperity which seeks to hold politicians from both parties accountable through a series of economic studies and detailed analysis of the impact of actions on New Hampshire’s working families. The first major study released caused a minor stir when it revealed that the
Granite State ranks lowest in New England and among the lowest in the nation in terms of stimulus money received on a per-capita basis, with most of the money coming to the state being used to balance the state budget, rather than create jobs.
Fred will join us Saturday on MTNP radio for his second appearance. [Click here to listen to the first]
There is no fury in politics like that of a former enthusiastic supporter scorned… especially when armed with facts– and a little dough.