Oh, the irony of it all…


Unborn baby 

You just can’t make this stuff up. Once again revealing their true colors, NH Senate Dems require parental notification to draw blood, but deny it in the case of an invasive medical procedure known as the abortion.

From State Senator Peter Bragdon’s office:

Senate Democrats Block Parental Notification for Abortions for Minors

On Same Bill, Democrats Require Parental Notification for Minors Donating Blood

Concord, NH – Today state Senate Democrats blocked Republican efforts to require parental notification before abortions can be performed on minors.  On the same bill, ironically, Senate Democrats required parental notification before a minor can donate blood.

The bill, House Bill 66, lowers the legal age for an individual to donate blood to 16; the current requirement is 18.  A provision in the bill requires parental consent before a minor can donate blood.  Senate Republicans offered an amendment to the bill to also require parental consent before abortions can be performed on minors.

"Democrats clearly recognize the need to provide parental notification for medical procedures, such as donating blood," said Senate Minority Leader Peter Bragdon (R-Milford).  "It is a shame parents are denied their right to be informed of a major medical procedure in another instance, namely abortion."

"Isn’t it ironic?" state Senator Jack Barnes (R-Raymond) said.  "Democrats choose to provide parental notification in one case and deny it in another.  Abortion is clearly a more invasive medical procedure than donating blood.”

The amendment offered by the Republicans contained an exception for medical emergencies and also contained a provision allowing minors to get approval from a judge to bypass parental notification.



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