It seems that the Democratic candidate for the special election in District 3 just can’t escape his liberal, lenient past these days. Try as he may to deflect his own public record and to turn its airing into a strike against his Republican opponent Jeb Bradley, Willard “Bathroom Bud” Martin is discovering that his worst nightmare is, in fact, himself. Rather than explaining his actions involving two well-publicized cases from the mid-nineties in which, while serving as judge, he showed leniency towards the accused while demonstrating disregard for the victims, Martin and his party instead continue to attack Jeb Bradley, who has absolutely NOTHING to do with the reporting both here on the ‘Grok and at Now!
In a story appearing in today’s Concord Monitor, Bathroom Bud’s campaign manager Joe Elcock is quoted, stating,
“They’re taking a situation where he’s doing his job and make him look like something less than what he is, which is a highly respected lawyer and judge,” said Elcock, saying Martin just followed constitutional requirements.
“Constitutional requirements?” Really? Tell me again which section defends the right of perverts to appear naked in a women’s restroom and attempt an attack on an unsuspecting female, because I looked and couldn’t find anything that remotely resembles such a thing. GraniteGrok is further seeking information on anybody else that has recently installed miniature video AND audio taping equipment in a public restroom smoke detector, and gotten away with it– claiming it to be some constitutional right. My bet is that the case heard by Bathroom Bud is the exception, not the rule.
The MTNP Radio gang discussed this yesterday on the air. Invitations to Bud, his campaign manager, and the NHDP Executive Director to appear on the show to discuss these matters have, as of this posting, gone unanswered. [Should they change their minds, and wish to engage in a discussion on next week’s program, they can shoot me an email and we’ll make it happen] You can listen to the segment by clicking here, or simply use the handy player below:
Earlier today, Bathroom Bud appeared on WMUR’s “Close Up” program and, as I’ve just posted at Now!, came as close as he’s come to date in explaining himself, announcing he is
“very proud of his decisions…”
Perhaps while he’s out on the campaign trail he can be pressed for more details. Poor Bathroom Bud– I’ll bet he never imagined he’d find himself stuck in the outhouse so early in the brief campaign. Given the “Bathroom Bill” (AKA the pervert protection act) that refuses to die down in Concord, this issue is one that is absolutely relevant and timely and needs a complete airing, despite the fact he’d just as soon see it wiped from the public’s consciousness…