And they used for crack on Bush for “that smirk?”


From the Politico:

President Barack Obama said he believes the global financial system remains at risk of implosion with the failure of Citigroup or AIG, which could touch off “an even more destructive recession and potentially depression.”

His remarks came in a“60 Minutes” interview in which he was pressed by Steve Kroft for laughing and chuckling several times while discussing the perilous state of the world’s economy.

“You’re sitting here. And you’re— you are laughing. You are laughing about some of these problems. Are people going to look at this and say, ‘I mean, he’s sitting there just making jokes about money—’ How do you deal with— I mean: explain. . .” Kroft asked at one point.

“Are you punch-drunk?” Kroft said.



Now, I have nothing, per se, against the use of humor, but really… Much like the remark about Special Olympics bowling scores, can you imagine how this story would be treated if it was featuring George Bush… or ANY Republican or Conservative, for that matter? The double-standards in full display lately are nothing short of stunning. Or not, because actually, it just affirms what we all already know.





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