The HOT Seat



Jeb Bradley

Fergus Cullen.Joe Kenney

The race to fill the vacated Senate seat in NH’s 3rd District with a special election will be anything but dull. Given the hot contest between the now-resigned Republican victor Denley and flaming-liberal former-Judge Willard "Bud" Martin just a few short months ago, there is no doubt that the interest shown then will re-appear. Add to that the eyes of the remainder of the state’s citizenry, not otherwise occupied with elections of their own, and we should bear witness to a media-intensive, no-holds barred campaign.

First off, not much to anyone’s surprise, the Democrat Martin has let it be known he will give it another go. Why not? He came close in November, and he most likely still has the apparatus still intact from then– heck, he may still have a bunch of signs kicking around.

And then, I got a phone call from a friend last night, asking me if I had heard that Jeb Bradley was being encouraged to think about a run for the seat, being a resident of the District. I hadn’t, but I thought– that is a GREAT idea. He too most likely has some of the structure left from his recent Congressional bid, and he can handle the intensity this short campaign will surely bring. Should he be successful, does anyone doubt he wouldn’t be an instant leader upon his arrival– a bonafide statesman serving in Concord? While I don’t live in that Senate District, I have phoned Jeb and offered my encouragement and support, should he decide he wishes to serve in such a role. I believe the state needs someone like him at this moment in time. We certainly can’t risk sending a profligate spender like Judge Martin down there. Lord knows we got enough of ’em already.

I understand that former NHGOP Chair Fergus Cullen is considering a stab at the seat, along with former GOP gubernatorial candidate Joe Kenney– the prior holder of the seat. I would politely suggest that they instead throw their support to Jeb Bradley– sure to be a force in the campaign, and sure to be one in Concord in the Senate, too. What we don’t need, really, is a bruising primary campaign. Think about it, guys. Look at the political capital the Republicans have gained in DC by sticking together. Let that be the model for this particular point in the game. The Republicans really need a win here. We need to get working against the enemy Martin NOW!

Bud Martin

Judge "Bud" Martin w/ Billy Shaheen. Liberals on the march…


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