Live Free or Die? What a quaint notion…


time clock

And yet another assault on the freedom of citizens of the Granite State… Following on motorcycle muffler requirements and horse licensing/vaccination edicts, the NH legislature seeks to enter into the business of business scheduling. The note from our friend Paul Mirski summed it up:

Employers may be the verge of losing control of the scheduling of hours put in by their work force. . . . Piliod and Hoden theoretically, are "Republicans". Bill has not been scheduled for hearing yet.

Attached was the verbiage of HB 663-FN that basically allows persons working in businesses of 15 or more employees, to request of their employer custom working hours, with an option to be able to work at home. And here’s the kicker: If the employer denies such a request, the employee can go to the state for a ruling, with onerous penalties for those who fail to comply. Here are the highlights of this absolutely onerous bill, of which one of our local so-called "Republicans" as noted above, Rep James Pilliod of Belmont was a sponsor: 

Working Families’ Flexibility Act

275:71 Right to Request Flexible Work Terms.

I. An employee may apply to his or her employer for a change in the employee’s terms or conditions of employment if the change relates to:

(a) The number of hours the employee is required to work;

(b) The times when the employee is required to work; or

(c) Where the employee is required to work.


275:72 Employer’s Duties. An employer to whom an employee submits an application shall consider the application in accordance with the following:

I. The employer and the employee shall hold a meeting to discuss the application submitted under RSA 275:71 within 14 days after the date of submission to the employer;

II. The employer shall give the employee a written decision regarding the application within 14 days after the date of the meeting described in paragraph I;


IV. If the employer rejects the employee’s application, the employer may propose, in writing, an alternative change to the employee’s hours, times, and place of work.

V. If the employee is dissatisfied with the employers decision under paragraph II and the alternative described in paragraph IV, the employee has the right to request reconsideration of the decision within 14 days after the later of:

And here’s the "best" part:

275:75 Enforcement; Penalties.

I. An employee who is affected by a violation of this subdivision may make a complaint to the commissioner. The commissioner shall investigate the complaint and may issue an order making determinations, assess penalties, and provide relief as provided in this subdivision.

II. An employer or employee objecting to an order may request an administrative hearing concerning the order from the commissioner within 60 days of the issuance of an order. After 60 days the order shall become final.

III. Any employer found by the commissioner to have violated this subdivision shall be subject to a fine of no more than $1,000 for each violation.

IV. Any employer found by the commissioner to have violated this subdivision may be ordered by the commissioner to reinstate the affected employee and award him or her back pay and change the terms or conditions of his or her employment.

[Read the full text, if you can stand to, here]

And you wonder why Atlas Shrugged? Since "Doc" Pilliod and his fellow comrades down in Concord are going to join me in deciding how I’m going to conduct business, I wonder if perhaps they’ll also help me pay the bills? With Republicans like sponsor Pilliod, who need Democrats? I’d like to hear GOP Chair John H. Sununu tell me again that it’s "Democrats ruining our state…" Hah! That’s a good one!Laughing




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