Being small business owners that see and experience firsthand how much money gets extracted on a weekly basis from a dozen hard working ordinary people and sent bi-weekly to the IRS– under a SEVERE penalty if not– it irks us to no end to hear of Magic Obama’s Treasury Secretary nominee.
To learn that the person picked to head the IRS owed some $34 thousand and supposedly didn’t know it– and apparently wasn’t in any hurry to pay it– was quite upsetting, knowing what we’ve experienced through the years. Why wasn’t the IRS hounding him to begin with? Will he treat those having "problems" with paying the same way he got treated? Try telling the IRS you made an "innocent mistake" and see how much sympathy you get.
Of course, as the insanity of bailout mania continues, putting the sword of Damocles (hyper-inflation) over every American’s last dollar should it fail to work, we hear stories on a daily basis of rampant waste and needless extravagance. You just know what will be done with the dollars Mr. Timothy Geithner will take from us under the threat of the penalty of law. I heard the latest example when watching Fox and Friends on my way out the door this morning: Citibank (or Citigroup, or whatever)– a recent recipient of bailout largesse– donated some $1 million towards Abraham Obama’s inaugural celebration.
Man, some days just suck. I suspect there’s going to be plenty more in the days and months ahead. That REALLY sucks!