A new revenue stream?
Just got this from a reader and listener to the radio program:
Help Guys!
Are you aware of another bill our "leaders" are trying to put through??
HB 427 will require the municipal licensing of horses at $25 per animal with the ADDED bonus of HAVING to vaccinate your horse annually with a rabies shot. Funny how $5 of this $25 goes to a "veterinarian’s fund" , with $10 to the town or city and the rest going to, you guessed it… the General Fund. Do you think Rabies shots are free? Do you know that dogs are only vaccinated once every three years? Do you know how many horses "crash" from over-vaccination?
Let’s talk about the struggle for the "rescue" farms that just barely can make ends meet. What are they to do? How are they to afford this expense?? The "unwanted" horse is a huge population and a serious situation right now given the economy, not just here in NH, but all over the country. Are you aware that "they" (you know who "they" are, right?) closed the slaughter houses in the US so that some of these horses that truly would have been glad to go there, do not have the option any more. Now they need to find a "retirement" or "rescue" farm to take them in. I am a HUGE animal lover and wouldn’t send my horse to a slaughter house, but sometimes there is a need for those places.
The state is irritating me very much this week. First, HB95, which is an insult to each and every motorcyclist that lives in this state or visits this state. I spent most of the day Wednesday at the State House to show my disdain for that bill.
Now, two days later, they hit me where my other passion is– My horse!
I would actually license my horse if forced to do so, but I am against any kind of government intervention telling me that I, or my animals, or children or any person or being needs to be injected with any kind of vaccination. Talk about over-stepping your boundaries!
First they want to tell me that basically I can’t get any more pipes for my ’79 HD (unless of course they know where I can get some OEM pipes for an oldster) and would like me to make my motorcycles quieter than a lawn mower and THEN they want to tell me what’s best for me and my horse!?!? And give a little kickback to the
state and veterinarians in the process? Yikes!And, once again, this horse bill was on the q-t and could very easily have snuck by us if it weren’t for a few people that stay aware. There ARE a lot of horse people, and I have called several already and we will be caravaning to Concord on Tuesday. This is not the People’s Republic of Massachusetts… yet. Please, we need to wake people up. It’s OUR government. I would like to be responsible for my own decisions.
Check this bill out, please, gentlemen. This is my first time reaching out to you. I try to listen every Saturday morning, and I loved your Thursday column in the Laconia Daily Sun this week, Doug [posted here on the ‘Grok]. I am very pro-active in writing to my representatives on the Federal level, and, have lately become more active in the local level. You’re right, Doug. It starts here.
Jean Lavin
Exactly, Jean. Never mind what’s happening down in DC, things are getting pretty bad closer to home. Freedom and liberty are under assault from every direction. It doesn’t matter who you are– be it a biker, an animal lover, a hapless cigarette smoker or just an ordinary shmoe– THEY are coming for all of us… That is why freedom loving people must work together to fight onerous legislation, whether it has a personal impact or not, because in the end, it does!
The hearing for this bill takes place Tuesday January 27th at 1:45PM in room 303 of the LOB in Concord.