Avoiding the “C” word


Well, that time of year is once again upon us. You know- the time of year when one can still find a few people around that are brazen and uncouth enough to use the “C” word. That’s right- there is a small minority of people who still dare to refer to the “Holiday Season” as (gasp!) Christmas! Can you imagine? Don’t “those” kinds of people understand that they might offend somebody with such blatant attempts at forcing their “belief system” on others?

The good news is that with each passing year, the list of entities that can be counted on to respect the Constitution’s recently discovered ban on all things Christian continues to grow. We all know that the public school system has been systematically erasing our Nation’s Christian heritage for what is now going on an entire generation. Indian (oops) Native American (oops) FIRST AMERICAN “spiritual” rituals? No problem. Japanese paper origami cranes as "a wish for world peace?" No problem. Singing “Silent Night” at a “seasonal concert”? BIG PROBLEM!

We are now at a point where it has become a societal taboo to even utter the word “Christmas”.  Consider the local hospital’s annual decorative tribute/ fundraiser, which occurs each year around this time: The “Holiday Tree of Love”. How nice. How non-sectarian. How “non-offensive”. How very “sixties”. Can you imagine the uproar if the hospital referred to its tree by the term Americans used to call this ubiquitous December decoration- a CHRISTMAS tree? Heaven forbid they do so because that would be “imposing” a religion on people!

And don’t worry about having any religion forced on you when shopping Amazon.com, who, while seeking to profit from (ahem) "holiday" gift giving traditions, celebrate the always safe and beloved "12 Days of Holiday".  (After being a customer who has spent lots of money here through the years, I will seriously consider whether I wish to do business with them any more)

It’s really not all bad, however. Perhaps we can, through the simple replacement of certain words, re-introduce some traditional Christmas (oops) songs back into the various “holiday concerts” and other “winter celebrations”. How great it would be to once again hear the children singing Bing as he croons,

“I’m dreamin’ of a rainbow solstice…Just like the ones we used to know.”

Or better yet, they can sing a seasonal song AND celebrate alternative lifestyles at the same time with this beloved little ditty:

“Have yourself a merry little winter, Let your heart be light. From now on, our troubles will be out of sight; Have yourself a merry little winter, Make the Yule-tide GAY…”

How perfectly politically correct! In the same vein, how about this updated classic: 

“I saw Daddy kissing Santa Claus underneath the tree of love last night. He didn’t see me creep down the stairs to have a peep; He thought that I was zoned in front of the TV. Then, I saw Daddy tickle Santa Claus underneath his beard so snowy white; Oh, what a laugh it would have been If Mommy had only seen Daddy kissing Santa Claus last night.”

Such wonderfully updated songs could demonstrate once and for all that no religious intent is connected with this time of year while simultaneously celebrating tolerance and diversity!

“Hark! The herald cherubs sing. Glory to Bill Clinton’s thing. Peace on earth and mercy mild, God, those sinners make me wild! Outraged, all ye nations rise, see the dangers of French fries! Hear the anchors all proclaim: Israel must leave Bethlehem! Hark the herald cherubs sing, Glory to that winter vacation thing.”

In all seriousness, it’s not that I would advocate the placement of the Nativity in the school lobby, but let’s be reasonable. With all of the multicultural “pap” foisted on the children trapped in the public school systems, why is it so unreasonable to even mention the very word, “Christmas”? Why does it have to be so different from when we were young and at school? Why can’t I go to stores and purchase CHRISTMAS presents anymore? Are things really better in today’s world? I could make a case that things are worse precisely BECAUSE we have removed our religious heritage from the public square. Can a Nation that turns its back on its God and Creator survive?  We may learn the answer to that question if we are not careful.




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