As regular readers know, in addition to being a HUGE fan of Ted Nugent’s music, I also find his views on various issues like guns and illegals logic-filled and worth repeating. He has long advocated for and celebrated the quintessential self-reliant traits of the rugged American individual that made our country great. He doesn’t suffer liberalism lightly.
According to our buddy John Hawkins at, the Nuge recently appeared on a radio program (Man, don’t I wish we could get Ted on ours!) and, in response to a caller’s apparent lament over the state of affairs in California (or maybe the Nation at large), had this to say:
[W]hat the real curse is, it’s not the lying, left-wing, Mao media, it’s those of us who know better, but don’t speak up. The people of California have backed down. The people who are productive in California have backed down to the pimps, and the whores, and the welfare brats, and their media, and their politically correct representatives, Boxer, Feinstein, Schwarzenegger, who literally will lie through their teeth to benefit some blood sucking constituency while your paycheck is being raped and pillaged to pay for some bling-bling infested punk.
You’ve got to start raising Hell — and I am constantly being gunned down by the media; I’m a curse, I’m a dangerous guy, I’m a madman, I’m scary, I have too many guns, I shoot all the deer — eat me. I stand up and I take the bullets because my name is Davy Crockett. This is the wall of the Alamo. If you can’t shoot Santa Anna’s men, shut up and load my gun. So get tough and get tougher.
You don’t need tough love in America, you need tougher love. Around the water cooler, at the church, at school. At the work place, at the picnic, and the bowling alley. You should be pounding the desk with your fist, raising hell, and take this beautiful state back from the pimps, and the whores, and the welfare brats, and the gang-bangers who seems to have all the rights in the world while the good people, the productive, law abiding people don’t have jack squat — and I think I am going to throw up.
Isn’t that how the Sixties were lost? Because the "silent majority" was just that? Ted’s right. If we don’t rise up and speak up, we’re going to lose the day. We’re with you Ted! And thanks, we’ll load– and shoot– our own gun. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
[H/T Dr. Helen via Instapundit]