Meet the New Press radio: Digging in for the long and hard battles ahead…


winter siege

Starting Saturday morning at 9 am!

Meet the New Press

As usual, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and AnkleBitingPundits brings an array of items and guests for your consideration– ALL STARTING AT 9AM! As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)

  • We were thrilled when we got the news:

(CONCORD) The Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy has hired veteran reporter and policy staffer Grant Bosse to head a new investigative project for the free market think tank.

"The Bartlett Center has been a leader in the fight for a more transparent government and putting as much information as possible at the fingertips of policymakers. We’re very excited to have the opportunity to have Grant Bosse join our team. I think this will be the perfect fusion of Grant’s award-winning experience as a radio journalist and the commitment to free market principles he has shown in both his policy work and his recent run for Congress. This will significantly enhance the Bartlett center’s commitment to open government. I expect that politicians of all stripes will find the work we do and the information we uncover very helpful in their decision making, especially during the tough budget battles ahead," said Bartlett Center president Charles Arlinghaus.

We were pleased both for our friend Grant, who we enthusiastically endorsed in the NH 2nd CD Republican primary, and for the Josiah Bartlett Center, an excellent Granite State public policy think tank. Grant will join us in the studio to discuss his new position, Governor Lynch’s budget cuts in Concord (yep– they all made fun of Joe Kenney for his cell phone usage reduction to save $$ and, guess what?!) and proposed budget requests for next year. What’s a couple billion dollars more among friends?

  • Steve DeMaura checks in for an update on the deceptively named "Employee Free Choice Act" (EFCA), otherwise known as "card check", which effectively removes the secret ballot option for unionization votes in the workplace. His group, Americans for Job Security, has rolled out a national TV ad hoping to support Senate Republicans in their efforts to continue blocking this onerous legislation. Seems that CBS, hosting Madame Speaker Pelosi on its Sunday morning talking head show (that nobody that I know watches), has decided they won’t run the ad. There are so many scary implications to consider within this issue and this particular story. Are we witnessing the death of free speech in America, as well as a massive takeover by the labor unions and its thugs?


  • As most listeners and readers should know, both Skip and I serve on our local town’s budget committee. Fellow member Terry Stewart drops by to discuss this week’s mob scene public forum set by the Belknap County Commissioners to hear complaints input on their proposal to cut funding for all outside agencies not required by law. Although the local paper billed the attendees as "residents", other than the three of us, and a budget committee member from Sanbornton, it appeared that the other 140 or so people in the room were either employed, or somehow tied in with the outside agencies, similar "non-profit" organizations, or a division of government. They just don’t make enough duct tape to make it easy to listen to what we endured Thursday eve. The tentacles of socialism and the social services industrial complex will not be easily removed…

We’ll also discuss the latest "growth sector" in the local budget: the library. You know– the FREE one!

  • Meredith resident Lisa Merrill thinks her fellow residents would benefit by having the school board’s meetings videotaped and aired on the public access channel, just like the town’s select board meetings. Based upon the reaction she’s getting, it seems the schoolies are a little camera shy. Gee, I wonder why? Don’t you think elected representatives would jump at the thought of allowing their adoring voters the chance to see them in action? Wink

We’ll discuss her efforts and perhaps offer a few helpful pointers. We’ll also encourage her to spend some time explaining and spreading the word about the importance of passing SB2– the "Official Ballot RSA 40:13" in her town. It’s looking like the massive growth of new, taxable properties has run its course, the government having effectively killed the golden goose in that they’ve spent every dime. If the voters don’t claim their right to have their say in all-day voting in the privacy of the booth, the big spenders will no doubt continue with reckless abandon, having been spoiled for the last decade or so.

  • And of course, ===============>> Your calls are encouraged at 603 527 1490.

Wow! It all starts at 9AM EST Saturday. Tune in if you’re in Central NH at NewsTalk 1490AM WEMJ on the dial or live on the ‘Net here… It ain’t your Poppy’s tired, worn out radio show. If you can’t handle it, well, go somewhere else while you still have a choice. The PC police have, to this point, only been warming up. Starting next January, it’s game time. Hopefully, we’ll be ready.


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