Bloggers select LEAST favorite people on the left


repulsive lib

Our buddy John Hawkins from loves to survey a group he calls "right-of-center bloggers" about a variety of things. This time, he asked for an unranked list of the 1-12 people on the left or generally perceived to be on the left that we most disliked. And he reminded us that "the field is wide open." Here are the five least "most disliked" from the bottom of the resulting list as gathered and tabulated by John:

23) Bill Clinton
23) Katie Couric
23) Al Sharpton
22) Paul Krugman
18) Jimmy Carter

Click here to view the rest. While it might be hard to believe, there are other lefties that are even more disliked than the above list. The whole rogues gallery really makes one’s skin crawl, to be sure.

Here is the list I submitted. You’ll note that I just couldn’t stop at 12: 

Al Gore
John Edwards
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Bill Ayers
John Kerry
Ted Kennedy
Al Franken
Bob Beckel (sp?)
Barney Frank
Hey John, do I HAVE to stop? This is just too easy!
Keith Oblerman
Chris Mathews
The other Kennedy that’s the green one and always sounds stoned(Robert Jr?)
Bill Press
Chris Dodd
Rev Wright
Jesse Jackson (should be in top 12)
Bruce Sprinsteen
Rosie O’Donnell


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