Ask Yourself… Why should those nutcase Jihadis and the crazy Arab "street" gangsters we see on TV have all the fun? You know what I’m talkin’ about– every time they’re happy… or sad… or anything in between, they always get to shoot bursts of machine gun fire hither and yon. While this is done in a much more controlled fashion, it will surely be great fun nonetheless. That’s right– after skipping a year, the "annual" machine gun shoot is back!
The Public is invited to a:
October 26, 2008, 9 AM to 4 PM
Presented by the Pemi-Baker Valley Republican Committee
Held at the Pemigewasset Valley Fish & Game Club located in Holderness, NH
Cowboy shoot Pistol shoot
Trap shoot Rifle shoot
Silhouette shoot
(My kid shot something similar to this at the last shoot— M1A1 Thompson Submachine Gun with 30 Round Magazine.)
$25 cover charge
Pancake Breakfast starting at 8 AM, $10 all you can eat until 11 AM
Lunch will be available until 4 PM
Bring the family for a day of fun
For more information contact: Jerry Thibodeau 786-9659 or email: jerry "at" thibco.com