“Grumpy and old”? I don’t think so…


That is how the local Democrat chair describes Senator McCain in his daily missive to the party faithful:

Did Barack look great last night, or what? … McCain simply looked grumpy and old.  Oh, and he sounded grumpy and old.  Perhaps that’s because he is grumpy and old!

Now keep in mind that this deep and intellectual analysis along with such respect and reverance for senior citizens is coming from a DEMOCRAT– You know, the party that supposedly cares for "the little guy" as opposed to those evil corporate-loving Republicans. Wink

It’s funny, too, because I know the gentleman that wrote these words, and ever since I first met him, he’s been lamenting "the name calling and negativity that is today’s politics."

"Let’s debate the issues," he’s often wont to say. I’ve always been in wholehearted agreement with him on that. I wonder what’s got into him? (And the words above, and ones similar didn’t just start today) Could it be that all these "change" Democrats really aren’t what they claim to be? Is the "new" kind of politics promised really any different than the old?

I’ve always held former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell of Maine as the perfect example of what I believe to be the "real" Democrat: He would always say whatever it took to mollify or win over a skeptic at a given moment. He would talk a good, friendly game. But his actions? Heh! Make no mistake about it– he was as fiercely partisan a political fighter as there ever was. In a word– he would say one thing… and do another. And he always got away with it (in no small thanks to the media, alway willing to run block for him– just like today). You don’t have to take my word for it– just watch for yourself. Listen to their words, and then watch what they do. Kathy Sullivan, anyone? How about Jeanne Shaheen? When you watch her for a while, you get the feeling she really could be the "Queen of Mean." (With apologies to Ms. Helmsley)

Anyway… I watched the debate last night, and if anything, it was Obama that looked angry and irritated. I detected very little optimism in his demeanor or presentation. Senator McCain, meanwhile, gave the troubles of our present times their proper due, but at the same time, reflected a degree of optimism that, at the end of it all, we have much to be thankful for, and we WILL solve the problems at hand. We are, after all, still Americans. Surely that means something?

Yes Mr. Democrat Chairman, Senator McCain might be "old" in your eyes. To some of us, that means "wise".


But "grumpy?" No way. That adjective belongs to your guy…







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