Women’s rights in the Islamic world
Our friend Amil sent a heads-up to this story that seems to be one that repeats itself again and again. One wonders if the process of "honor killings", covered in some depth by Michelle Malkin at her blog (even in America?), is rising in popularity in the Islamic world, or are reports simply receiving greater coverage by the media?
How can any rational person think that this is anything but barbarism laid bare… A parent murdering a child… in the name of Allah? From the Daily Telegraph (UK):
DESPAIR among human rights workers in Pakistan over a rash of so-called "honour killings" intensified yesterday when it was disclosed that a girl forced into marriage with a 45-year-old man at the age of nine had been killed by her parents because she asked for an annulment.
The girl, 17, who had been fighting a lonely but successful legal battle, was coming out of court in the Punjabi city of Sahiwal after being granted the annulment by a judge when she was surrounded by a group of men and shot in view of police.
While the article goes on to reveal not all are in favor of such acts, the fact is, when they occur, the society and its government tend to do little in the way of justice. Oh sure, they might denounce it, but it seems to me the only motivation is that it brings unwanted publicity to the "religion of peace":
"We condemn this barbaric act. This is against Islam, against humanity and against civilised culture."
Why, it’s so bad that
the Government bowed to pressure and ordered an inquiry into the killings.
Oooh… an INQUIRY. That’ll show em!
As radical fundamentalists consolidate their grip on all aspects of the Islam "religion", why wouldn’t their hardline "teachings" become more and more widely accepted and practiced? Whether beheading infidels, committing suicide bombings, or murdering their very own children for perceived "crimes" contrary to the "faith", at the end of it all, it really is a cult of death– One that must be stopped.
The Telegraph piece talks about another recent "honor killing" that took place in Pakistan, involving three young girls. Imagine, they actually wanted to marry men of THEIR choice, contrary to the wishes of tribal elders. The punishment for three teenagers and two elderly relatives trying to help them? They were buried alive:
"When the fuming elders of the Umrani tribe came to know about the intentions of these girls, they picked them up from their homes along with two of their elderly relatives," one account said.
"The crying girls were pushed into official cars and driven to a deserted area. There they were pushed out of the cars, made to stand in a queue, and volleys of shots fired at them. As the bleeding girls fell to the sand, the tribesmen dragged them into a nearby ditch and levelled it with earth and stones.
"As the two shocked elderly women tried to rescue the hapless girls, they too were gunned down and buried in the same manner. The killers after burying these women returned to their tribe like conquerors without any action taken against them."
And we beat ourselves up over what WE must have done to cause these people to hate us… to attack us in the way they did on 9/11. If only we try to understand them… Rot! There is nothing to understand. We’re talking about people that murder their own children without remorse. Where are the feminists? Oh that’s right– they’re too busy denouncing Sarah Palin for NOT doing the right thing and aborting her Downs Syndrome child… and not encouraging her pregnant teenage daughter to do the same.