Right of Center Bloggers Rank Least Favorite Elected Republicans



Our buddy John Hawkins at RightWingNews has posted part two of the results of his latest "temperature check" of right-of-center bloggers. This was the assignment:

What I’d like you to do is send me two unranked lists of 1-10 elected Republicans (Elected Republicans should be living, in Congress, President, or Governors.)

One list should be 1-10 of your favorite elected Republicans and the other list should be 1-10 of your least favorite elected Republicans.

As I noted in the prior post listing FAVORITE elected Republicans, crafting a list of those I dislike was much easier. Here’s the top three from John’s list, which you can view in its entirety here:

        1. Chuck Hagel (#1-tied)

        2. Arlen Specter (#1-tied)

        3. Olympia Snowe

Heh. The two tied for the number one LEAST liked elected Republicans, according to "right of center bloggers,"  are the same two I first added to my submission. Here’s the entire list, as created for John’s survey:



Chuck Hagel
Arlen Specter
John Warner
Ted Stevens
Olympia Snowe
Richard Lugar
Liddy Dole
Larry Craig
Susan Collins

Other than Dole, Lugar, and Thune, all of my picks fared "well." With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats? Frown



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