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An Invitation To
"Celebrate The Pledge"
10th Annual 
Coalition of NH Taxpayers 
"Taxpayer Reunion Picnic" 
 Saturday, July 5th at the Hopkinton State Fairgrounds
 12 Noon to 5 PM, Rain or Shine
Tickets are $15. for all you can eat, children 12 and under are free.
You may purchase tickets ahead by mail or order right from the web at:
All candidates for Governor, NH Senate, NH House
are invited to attend and meet the voters and optionally
Take The Pledge!
See a copy of the Pledge here:
If you cannot be with us to sign the Pledge, you can simply reply by email (webmaster "at" and ask to be placed on the list along with other fiscally conservative candidates:
See a complete flyer of Picnic details here to print and distribute:
Once again, come enjoy the afternoon with like-minded taxpayers at the beautiful 
Hopkinton State Fairgrounds. Directions:
 Display space for your organization is available, parking is free,
bathrooms are modern and handicapped accessible.
For more info, or to have your name listed on our Pledge Page, just reply to
(webmaster "at"
Hope to see you there!


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