Sen Judd Gregg Blogger Call- Discussing the Budget. Part One



[Note: This is the first of a 2 part posting on the call. The detail and amount of material, while seemingly mundane budgetary matters, has ramifications of great consequence for all of us. More people need to become aware of the alarm bells being sounded by Senator Gregg.]

This week I had the opportunity to participate in a Blogger’s conference call with NH’s senior Senator Judd Gregg, Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee. I have to say that when it comes to discussing the federal budget… WOW! Senator Gregg greatly impressed me with his knowledge of the process and the current and future spending proposals coming down the pike. Additionally, he was filled with fire and passion– something I’ve never really greatly associated with Sen. Gregg. Unfortunately, Judd’s efforts notwithstanding, unless we can derail what the majority Democrats have in mind, we will all pay the price for their government largesse with increased taxes. He started with his assessment of the Democrats’ budgetary practices, now with some history as proof:

"Last year was the first time the Democratic Congress produced a budget in 12 years. They had the benefit of the doubt. When they said they were going to control spending, people gave them the benefit of the doubt. When they said they were going to address the problems which we confront with entitlements because of the baby boom generation and the cost that is going to be put on our children, people gave them the benefit of the doubt. When they said they were going to use pay-go rules—this motherhood term—to discipline spending around here, people gave them the benefit of the doubt. When they said they weren’t going to raise the national debt any more than the President was, people gave them the benefit of the doubt. When they said they weren’t going to raise taxes on the American people, that they were going to find revenues by simply collecting taxes that were already owed, people gave them the benefit of the doubt."

As he then told us,

  • "They didn’t control spending."
  • "They didn’t keep taxes down."
  • "They’ve created more entitlement concerns."
  • "They violated "PAYGO"- their OWN rule!"
Continuing, he warned that the 2008 budget proposed by the Democrats will add an additional 2.5 trillion dollars worth of debt over the next five years. Said Senator Gregg,
"Democrat Kent Conrad says the ‘debt is the threat.’"
They certainly aren’t acting like they’re all that worried. Senator Gregg then reminded the call participants that by not extending the Bush tax cuts, the effect will be a 1.4 TRILLION dollar tax increase! At this point, it was hard to keep listening, as Senator Gregg painted a scary picture of where we’re headed. While he didn’t say it, I will: socialism as proposed by Democrats is quite costly! Gregg did mention the added high cost of an Obama presidency, or, as he called it,


This, he said

"will add 300 billion dollars of new spending annually!"



Senator Gregg then outlined the impact on taxation that the proposed Democrat spending plan would create, coupled with the Obama spending on top of that– Ouch! While they claim they’ll pay for everything by taxing the rich, the bottom line is that they are magically going to do this over and over, as there’s not enough to do so. Calling it a "shell game", Senator Gregg noted that the reality is that they will be ratcheting up taxes for people all the way down to those earning 35K– who, included with those at the very top, pay 50% of all taxes. Hmm. I thought the Dems were for the "little guy". Doesn’t seem so to me.

Senator Gregg went on to take some questions about a variety of matters. He reminded us that the President is actually out of the loop when it comes to budgets. It is a document that gets approved by the House and Senate, but not signed by the president. One rather interesting question was asked by a participant from the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) regarding a budget rule/practice that I had never heard about before– something called "Reconcilliation." Senator Gregg told us that

It is a very significant weapon in the arsenal available to the Senate Budget Committee.

In the past, it has been used to direct savings in specific spending areas, even after budgets are passed. Now, the Democrats, after years of proper use, the Democrats are using it agressively for the opposite of its intention to circumvent the fillibuster. The NAM website has a transcript of this portion of the call here and a podcast here.

[End Part One]



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