Meet the New Press Podcast

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Meet The New Press
Radio at the speed of the Blogosphere! WEMJ 1490 Saturdays 9am-11am (EDT) Streaming Live!

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Original air date: 02/16/08
(Click here for accompanying links & show info)

Hour 1 – here                                        Hour 2 – here

Opening banter. Skip and Doug talk about the economy– is it all bad, or partially media driven? Skip talks about his trip this past week. Mortgage crisis? Who’s at fault?

Interview with Jane Aitken. Part One— The anti- taxpayers pledge warrant article appearing on over 80 town ballots this year here in NH. It’s really a pro-income tax question.

Interview with Jane Aitken. Part Two— International Baccalaureate Programme- UN trojan horse?

Deconstructing the anti-SB2 (Official Ballot RSA 40:13) rhetoric with Jorge Mesa Tejada.

Congressman Thadeus McCotter interview. Part One. Conservatism– philisophical versus idealogical. What is the Republican Policy Committee? Thinking Points. What are "Republican" principles? This was very enlightening.

Congressman Thadeus McCotter interview. Part Two. Discussing the "3 Com" deal with the Chicoms, etc. Democrats on foreign affairs and domestic– yikes! Barack Obama’s "unity"… Mr. McCotter is an exciting and passionate conservative that more people should get to hear. He gets the juices flowing in a positive way!

John Hawkins (RWN) interview. Part One. The gang discusses John McCain & the primary as it has turned out. We also talked about why all conservatives should vote for McCain in November.

John Hawkins (RWN) interview. Part Two. Continuing the trip through the right side of the blogosphere… McCain’s possible VP picks; Barack Obama: A Human Hallmark Card for President?!


Coming Soon


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