Not a dime's worth of difference? I don't think so. It's the socialism, stupid! - Granite Grok

Not a dime’s worth of difference? I don’t think so. It’s the socialism, stupid!

Heil Hillary
Towards national socialism?
feel good slogans
Intoxicating cliches?
Having listened to many of the presidential wannabees of both political parties as they crisscrossed the Granite State in the leadup to the primary, I can assure readers that the difference between ALL the candidates is vast. To a man (and woman), the Democrats advocate a rapid expansion of the nanny state while the top Republicans definitely bring free market principles to the fore. Of course when you strip the specifics away, what it comes down to is the American free market system versus one of socialism.
While policy wonks and wags of all stripes can debate the relative strengths and weaknesses of the various candidates as to whether they’re not conservative enough, upon listening to them, there is no doubt where the Republicans stand and where the Democrats weigh in. 
"But Doug, SOCIALISM– please! That sounds so, you know, harsh. Aren’t we all Americans? Can’t we all just get along? Why must you use such labels? It’s almost downright insulting!" Of course, I disagree with that sentiment. I believe in open, forthright debate, and I like labels. 
When it comes to the discussion about socialism and its basic tenets, you’ll no doubt agree that one of the main buzzwords bandied about by many Democrats at all levels of politics is the lovely sounding term "social justice." One of the best definitions I’ve come across is found in my signed copy of Balint Vazsonyi’s book, America’s Thirty Years War: Who is Winning? In the chapter entitled "Social Justice" he writes
The quotation marks in the title are used most advisedly. The words themselves are among the most successful deceptions ever conceived. Ask a variety of people to define what "social justice" means, specifically, and you will get as many answers as people queried. Ask the same person at different times and you will get different responses. All "definitions" of social justice boil down to any of the following:

    1. somebody should have the power to determine what you can have, or
    2. somebody should have the power to determine what you cannot have, or
    3. somebody should have the power to determine what to take away from you in order to give it to others who receive it without any obligation to earn it.
If millions upon millions have been deluded into searching for "social justice," it is because "social justice" displays the irresistible charm of the temptress and the armament of the enraged avenger; because it adorns itself in intoxicating cliches and wears the insignia of the highest institutions of learning. Like a poisonous snake, it radiates brilliant colors. Like the poppies in The Wizard of Oz, it lulls the mind to sleep.
The easiest targets happen to be civilized people , who care about the fate of others.
The key for Republicans is to point this out again and again about their Democrat opponents, while advocating a process that gives people more choice and freedom. At some point, continually stating a belief that individual people ARE smart enough to think for themselves has to be a winning issue, shouldn’t it? Who wants to be called incapable or helpless or dumb?