Good news for pro-life!




Even though abortion remains the number one killer of people in Spain, a recent government crackdown helped promote a culture of life.

From the Catholic News Agency: 

.- The Spanish daily “La Razon” highlighted this week the pressure by Catholic groups which forced the closing of several controversial abortion mills in Barcelona, where abortions up to the eighth month of pregnancy were being performed at expensive rates.

According to the newspaper, the action of Catholics “has resulted in bringing abortion back to the forefront.”  The complaint filed by E-Cristians in Barcelona gained a response on November 26, when a judge ordered that four abortion centers operated by Dr. Carlos Morin be shut down.

The newspaper also acknowledged the role of, which last week convened a massive demonstration outside the Ministry of Health in Madrid and demanded “investigations into abortion establishments and, once demonstrated how they do not follow the law on abortion, that they be closed.”

La Razon also mentioned the Institute for Family Policy, “another Christian-based platform that has redoubled its efforts in favor of life since the court order to close the four abortion centers in Barcelona.  Its president, Eduardo Hertfelder, sent a letter Monday to the Minister of Health ‘demanding immediate publication of the data on deaths by abortion in 2006’.”

Lastly, the daily quotes the president of the Provida Association of Madrid, Jesus Poveda, who has joined in the complaints against the abortion centers.  “Poveda, a unique figure in the pro-life cause, has expressed his joy over the closing of the clinics and has recalled that ‘in every abortion a child dies and a mother cries’,” the newspaper reported.

An article from noted that these centers were allegedly using machines to crush the babies so they could be flushed into city sewer pipes. 


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