Know that feeling you get when you see a solid chunk of your paycheck missing because its been sent off to some obscure place in a federal district far, far away? You feel like your getting ripped-off by the man, but you convince yourself that its necessary to fund a strong military and protect the homeland.
Then you realize that your monies are being allocated to a museum in upstate-New York to commemorate hippies who served their country by consuming hallucinogenics and not taking baths at Woodstock…and that feeling gets worse.
Even though Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made earmark reform one of the Democrats top-five party issues prior to the 2006 elections, Washington pork barrel spending has gotten worse.
Doug and Skip are courageous foot soldiers in the crusades against reckless government spending in their home town, the state, and in the nation’s capital – but they need your help!
Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) has issued a challenge to bloggers across the country to see who can gather the most signatures for his 100,000 Strong for Earmark Reform petition. If we are one of the top-gatherers of signatures, Sen. DeMint will join the Grok’ for a conference call to discuss solutions to eliminate wasteful government spending.
So stand-up Groksters! Vote and make sure part of your not working today to support some of these these porky projects.
[Note: I promised Dave that if he constructed the post, I’d put up the widget….well, he did the post, so I gotta do the widget. In other words, from a Captain far, far, away: "make it so, #1…" -Skip]