Rudy Giuliani in Laconia 11/24/07 (GG photo)
While Skip and I prepare to go on air with this week’s edition of Meet the New Press, our field assistants are on the scene to video tape and keep a sharp eye for anything noteworthy. As they set up for the 10:30 event being held at the VFW on Court Street in Laconia, they just phoned in to report that, once again, that oh-so-innocent looking "cookie lady" is passing out her usual treats and propaganda, much the same as reported by Skip in this prior posting when he noted
Funded in part by a foundation set up by one of the very liberal founders of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, the cookie she gave me was rather good. The ideas – not so much…they try to portray a picture that the Military budget should be cut a lot in order to fund social services. Maybe we’ll have her on MTNP as well. as her pie chart on the cookie is wrong….most of the Federal budget is already set for social services……
The ‘Grok field assistant gets her dander up at the very presence of these clueless people who advocate "peace" and the dismantlement of our military in the face of dangerous enemies who want nothing less than our total destruction. Surely Rudy will be strong on this subject today, as he usually is. Someone from the campaign has spotted her and is now having a conversation with her.

PrioritiesNH propagandist AKA the "cookie lady" (GG photo)
The campaign staffers are saying that they know who she is, but will leave her be, as the event is open to the public. One wonders if the Hillary or Obama people would be so tolerant of conservative-orientated activists working one of their events.
There is a larger than usual number of children and younger folks than one normally finds at these functions. Perhaps it’s due to it being a weekend day– or it could be that Ben Adler is right when he wrote in the Politico that
Giuliani does disproportionately well among young voters compared with other leading Republican candidates
Another notable group heavily represented among today’s crowd was local law enforcement. The Laconia Chief was present, as well as other officers from there and other surrounding towns. I guess with Rudy, they either loathe him, or love him. They probably like his record of tracking, attacking, and reducing crime in NYC.
The speech was standard fare that one has come to expect from Rudy, including measures to curb and identify illegal aliens, reducing the numbers of and dollars spent on federal programs and agencies, replacing retiring workers with technology, much as in the business world. He reported that, as evidence of his commitment to border security, a group of border patrol agents from Texas have endorsed him.
He took seven questions from the people in attendence ranging from trade with China to Iraq (of course) and illegal immigrants getting drivers’ licences and welfare. All in all, our field assistants report he was confident and knowledgeable on a variety of issues– all wrapped in a positive and optimistic delivery. He was well-received by those in attendence. Check back here at the ‘Grok for some video clips of the key points of this stop here in the heart of the Granite State.