GraniteGrok has made an effort to discover and report as much about the 2008 race for the White House from the point of view of ordinary working shlubs living here in the still first in the Nation primary state of NH. Regular readers know that we have had a front row seat at many events of the major candidates of both parties as they ply the Granite State for votes. Along the way, we’ve also met other people that, though they are legally and officially running, they remain almost completely unknown.

Vern Wuensche is from Texas and he’s running for president. He’s a self-made man that has made his living as a small businessman for thirty one years. I challenge any real conservative to review Mr. Wuensche’s positions on the issues and find something you disagree with. His main issue is the judicial system and its impact on small businesses. He has a simple process of getting things done. Says Vern:
Skill in achieving a result is a practiced art. An American leader must clearly picture the desired result and then each day exercise discipline and determination to be certain he or she is moving toward it.
Mr. Wuensche has joined us in studio for MTNP radio on two occasions and we found him to be a most interesting and fascinationg fellow. He forwarded the following position paper on what he would do as president to resolve the illegal immigration question once and for all. We are happy to share it with our readers:
A Proposed Illegal Immigration Solution
by Vern Wuensche.The first step in solving our illegal immigration problem is to require a tamperproof biometric ID to be obtained by all immigrants within say, one year. Anyone discovered not having one after that time would be immediately deported..The second step is to strictly and universally enforce a penalty of say, $50,000 per violation on all employers who knowingly hired anyone without a proper ID after the one year period. The result would be that there would soon be no demand for foreign workers. Those coming here after one year would be self identified as being up to no good. Those not yet discovered to lack an ID would not be able to use free government services, as doing so would cause them to be identified and immediately deported. One thing the government should not to is to selectively enforce the law as it did earlier in the year at Iowa’s meat packing plants. Enforcement should be against all or against none..The first result would be that employers would probably not object to this system because since they would all be under the same rule they would be at no competitive disadvantage with their direct competition. Increased costs would simply be passed on to the purchasers of their products..
The second result would be that illegal immigrants already living here would also not object as these workers would undoubtedly see a strong increase in their earnings. This would come about because with the elimination of the new supply of illegal immigrants they would now have little competition for their highly demanded work skills..Some will say that these illegal immigrants with this system would still be living in the shadows. However, where they receive free health care, free education, have the ability to obtain a license to drive a car, and have the ability to often vote illegally, they definitely are not living in the shadows. Most of them would be satisfied in retaining their present status with their increased earnings. I have learned of instances where illegal immigrants were taking steps toward becoming citizens and when they discovered they would be less likely to avoid the tax man they chose instead to remain in the shadows as it was the better choice. For many of them living in the shadows is an economic decision..
Those illegal immigrants already here who have obtained an ID should be allowed to remain but with no amnesty of any sort promised or implied. Since this is the point of greatest disagreement among Americans we should kick this can down the road. Time should pass until these immigrants have more fully assimilated in learning English and participating in our culture so that Americans at such a time can more easily reach a consensus on how to handle them..Border security should be controlled by the sheriff in each border county as they best know the terrain and crossing points in their county. They should be assisted by more border patrol agents and the National Guard as required. Technology should be used extensively together with sections of wall being built and added as each section proves cost effective. Or the alternative of using a technological fence or in some combination with a wall should be implemented..
To solve the problem of seasonal workers demanded by American business the government of Mexico should be required to set up something akin to an employment agency where American companies would contract with them for certified-to-be-safe (American verified), bonded workers who are no security threat who would return to Mexico after the contract was over. Failure to return would result in the forfeiture of the say, $10,000 to $20,000 bond. The forfeited funds could be used for providing more security at the border..This plan should solve most objections. For conservatives there would be no amnesty and the border would be more secure as the right authorities controlling our border would now have the staff to handle a smaller number of violators and a fence as it was effective would be built. Immigrants already here would be happy because of their increased financial status. And employers now could have an adequate supply of immigrant workers without any government bureaucracy at what would be an evolving market rate for their services.