As a small business owner, I have found that most proposals that come down the pike from Democratic politicians run counter to what we need from government. In fact, now that I think about it, I cannot think of much that they have proposed that has done anything but HURT small businesses. Oh sure, they do much in the name of the workers, often for short-term gains at high long-term expenses– once a business closes shop and goes elsewhere to get away from suffocating regulatory expenses and confiscatory tax rates, then what?
Anyway, when I read the story about Democrat presidential wannabee John Edwards’ latest offering yesterday, I thought, "This again? Ho-hum." The Citizen (Laconia, NH) newspaper delivered the news:
When it comes to helping parents take time off from work, Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards is raising the stakes..The former North Carolina senator on Tuesday will propose spending $2 billion a year to help states create family leave programs that offer workers at least eight weeks of paid time off to care for a newborn or ill family member. The proposal is similar to those offered by his rivals but Edwards would put up more money — Sen. Hillary Clinton’s plan calls for $1 billion a year; Sen. Barack Obama proposes $1.5 billion.
No big deal here, right? After all, it’s pretty much standard Democratic fare. They have been trying to buy votes with promises of time off for work for years. Why would I care any more this time around? What’s a few extra billion among friends? But then the next line in the story caught my attention:
Edwards also would set a national goal of eight weeks of paid leave for all by 2014.
Er, message to Mr. Edwards: That’s already been tried, sir. It doesn’t work. It’s called FRANCE!!! And, as dumb as they are over there, even they have figured out that you can only pay people NOT to work for so long before such a scheme collapses under its own weight from the inevitable economic ruin such ideas bring. It surely is a sight to behold as we witness the new president of that country propose changes to the failing business as usual, recognizing the free ride is over, while would-be "leaders" like Mr. Edwards propose doing just the opposite here in America.
Forget about the up-front costs of eight weeks of paid time off for everybody– what about the fact that businesses hire workers because they actually NEED them to work? Oh that’s right, a dope like John Edwards doesn’t sweat details like that. Hey John, why stop there? Why not ten weeks off? Heck, why don’t you just tell voters if they elect you, they won’t have to work anymore, period?
Once again, it’s time to recycle that tired old saw:
Five thousand years ago, Moses said, "Hitch up your camel. Pick up your shovel. Mount your ass. I will lead you to the promised land.".
Five thousand years later, John Edwards said, "Light up a Camel. Lay down your shovel. Sit on your ass. This is the promised land."
John Edwards? What a dope!
(Click here to see the past winners of the GG Dope of the Week Award)