In an excellent article entitled "Public Schools- Pagan Indoctrination Centers" found at NewsWithViews.com, author Joel Turtel writes
Many public schools have become pagan religion indoctrination centers. These schools now teach children anti-Judeo-Christian beliefs and pagan religions, and try to mold children’s minds through the latest techniques in behavioral psychology.
He includes a listing of several examples of these "religions" being brought into public schools including native Indian rituals, New Age, Eastern, as well as astrology, various other mystic variants as well as Islam. All the while, naturally, to the exclusion of the more traditional American religions of Christianity and Judeism. In the name of the so-called "separation of church and state," we mustn’t have THOSE two in our schools!
Unfortunately, as pointed out by Mr. Turtel, many parents don’t really mind– it’s all so cute, and the kids seem to enjoy it. In a world where many don’t really partake in traditional religious practice, what’s the harm? "Plenty," according to Turtel.
By teaching religious mysticism, public schools throughout the country are filling impressionable young minds with group think, multiculturalism, paganism, Earth worship, astrology, polytheism (belief in many gods), and pantheism (belief in spirit gods that exist in trees, rocks, and water). The God of Moses is out in our public schools, and Earth worship is in..Many teachers in public schools across the country now stress feelings and mystical experiences, not facts and reason, much less critical reading and thinking. Their behavior modification techniques indoctrinate children with emotion-driven group think and anti-Western, anti-Judeo-Christian values.
And you thought when the little ones went off on the bus, they were getting the same basic education that we got when we were in school. Think again. And this is the part that’s most frightening:
Author Aldus Huxley wrote about ‘new-think’ indoctrination in Brave New World, his frightening novel about a future totalitarian society. In his book, school authorities molded children’s minds so that as adults, they lost their ability to think critically or judge the policies of their leaders..Indoctrinating children with pagan beliefs in our public schools could have a similar effect. If a child believes he or she can turn into a bird or pass a math test by rubbing a voodoo necklace, then facts, reason, hard work, and dedication go out the window.
Click here to read the entire article. Mr. Turtel will be one of our guests on the radio Saturday on Meet the New Press.
[H/T Jorge]