Regarding the ongoing NHDOT spending mess and proposed tax increases on the hapless citizenry, I was pleased to see that NH GOP chair Fergus Cullen had the gumption to put up a petition at the state party website saying that Governor
Lynch and the Democrats in Concord need to prove to taxpayers that they can be responsible custodians of the state’s finances before they can collect more of our hard-earned dollars.
Deciphered, because the petition is vaguely worded (which you’ll see why in a second), it means: Say NO to an increase in the tolls we pay on our highways. This is great news, because, as many regular readers know, I have been railing the Republican structure (such as it is) for its failure to take strong, public stands on the issues of the day. Finally– in the form of this petition– the Granite State GOP has taken a firm specific stand on something that will affect many regular folks, otherwise known as "the voters."
There’s only one slight problem with Fergus’ NHGOP initiative—
He’s sending it to the wrong people!
In case you didn’t know, the NH Executive Council will be voting on this Wednesday. From their posted agenda:
#96A Authorize to increase the rate of toll at Hooksett, Bedford, Dover and Rochester Mainlines by 25 cents for single rear tire vehicles (classes 1-4) and by 50 cents for duel rear tire vehicles (classes 5-12). (2)Further authorize the Commissioner to increase the rate of toll at Hampton State Toll by 50 cents for single rear tire vehicles (classes 1-4) and by $1.00 for dual rear tire vehicles (classes 5-12), in accordance with RSA 237:9 and RSA 237:40. Effective at 12:01 a.m. on October 22, 2007
Why send a petition to the Governor– who already said he will support a toll hike, when it is now up to the Executive Council to make this decision?
Could it be because the two Republicans still left on the Governor’s Council are planning to vote in favor of the increase?
Is Fergus Cullen actually crazy enough to try to tar and feather the state’s Democratic governor on an issue when two major "leaders" of his very own party stand with Lynch in agreement? How can the party maintain the slightest shred of credibility with the average Joes and Janes of NH when they criticize a member of the opposing party for being wrong on an issue while remaining silent when it comes to their own? What will voters think when the two seniormost elected Republican officials in the state government stand pat with the Governor when he claims he’s done as much on the savings side of the revenue equation as he can, leaving nothing left but to take more money from the hapless people?
How about it, Fergus? Will you be sending the petitions to Mr. Burton and Mr. Wieczorek for their consideration?
While it’s doubtful that Ray Burton (who never met a taxpayer that couldn’t afford to pay more to continue funding the pet projects that have kept him safely ensconced in his seat) will vote against a hike in tolls, perhaps the Wiz will be more open minded?
We won’t know if we don’t try. I have placed calls to both Burton’s and Mr. Wieczorek’s offices, to little avail. Unfortunately, neither has any kind of method to register what their constituencies think on given topics– probably they don’t care.
Burton’s public statements and his website make it clear that he favors a toll increase. I am assuming that, unless he somehow has an epiphany, that won’t change. (He favors a gas tax increase, too)
I am less sure about Wieczorek. A call to the state office revealed nothing, other than being refered to what is supposedly his home office. The somewhat rude person that answered the phone told me Mr. Wieczorek was unavailable all day, and beyond that, said she couldn’t answer how he was voting on the toll hikes. When I pointed out that it was a simple yes or no answer, she responded that "it’s more complex than that." I’m going to assume that this is code for, "He’s gonna vote yes." After convincing the phone answerer that I was worthy enough for her to get a writing implement with which to take a message for his Executiveness, she took my contact number and I await a return call. I have called the executive council state office again and requested a return call as well. In the meantime, we’ll assume it’s a "yes" from the Wiz, with the caveat that I hope I’m wrong.
On the NHGOP website on September 19th, , Fergus Cullen wrote
This is the problem when you have a Governor who has no philosophical opposition to bigger government, increased spending and higher taxes.”
I couldn’t agree more. What compounds it is when you have members of the Governor’s opposition party in bed with him on the above noted sentiment. That is a problem, too, Fergus.
With a state party chair attacking a member of the opposing party for being incorrect on an issue while ignoring those in the wrong on his own team, it makes it hard to maintain credibility. How can the average voter view the goings on as anything BUT partisan bickering. Me? I view this as one more story of Republicans working against Republican values– in this case low taxes and efficient government. One more example of the ongoing "circular firing squad."
[Of course, Fergus will accuse ME of engaging in this. I beg to differ. When leading Republicans get away without adhering to the things they use as reasons why they should get our votes, they, at the very least, shoot themselves in the foot. The Dems? I expect them to raise my taxes. It’s what they do. Unfortunately, it’s what Republicans do, too.]