As I predicted, the NH Governor’s Executive Council voted to foist toll hikes upon the hapless motorists of NH as opposed to being innovative and call for a tightening of the fiscal ship of the NH DOT. The vote was 4 to 1, with DEMOCRAT Deborah Pignatelli the lone vote in opposition. That means the BOTH Republican councilors voted in favor.
Had they acted as Republicans, with Ms. Pignatelli’s vote, they could have struck a solid, far-ranging blow in defense of cost-effective government. It would have been 3 to 2 AGAINST!!
Instead, they stood in concert with Governor Lynch, who, in the words of NH GOP state committee chair Fergus Cullen, chooses the wrong path of action:
Mismanagement in the first three years of Governor Lynch’s administration has brought this problem to a head and Governor Lynch’s solution, as usual, is to increase taxes.
Yep. The same solution chosen by Republicans Raymond Burton and Ray Wieczorek, whose votes put this over the top, handing a victory to the Governor.
Nice job, boys!

Thanks a lot!
Now, I suppose it’s time to get some guts and move on to getting those gas taxes raised, eh Fergus? You know what I mean. Just ask some of the party’s "leaders"– they’ll tell you it’s the right thing to do…
Hopefully people will keep all of this in mind as they pay the great REPUBLICAN TOLL HIKES of 2007!!!