Well, don’t ya know I warned about this in previous postings, click here.
Wake Up New Hampshire…this is where civil union legislation signed by Gov. Lynch is heading in our state and rather quickly if people don’t wake up out of their apathy and take a stand now!
Personally, if I still had children in the public school system, I would have yanked them out 30 seconds after Gov. Schwarzenegger signed this prepostorous legislation.
Since alternative lifestyles and pagan religions are already being taught in our public schools here in NH…with YOUR tax dollars…and your children are being indoctrinated possibly against your beliefs, you may just want to seriously consider yanking your children out now if you still want to be their Mom and Dad or your’re a Husband with a Wife and vice versa.
This is where America is heading…FRIGHTENING isn’t it? Just think, your little girly girl gets to share her bathroom and change her clothes in gym class in front of a little boy who thinks he’s a girl…or maybe he just tells everyone he’s really a girl to sneak a peak at your little darlin!
And you thought I was over-reacting in my previous postings when I warned you where the civil union slippery slope legislation here in NH was headed. Now what do you think?