Begging the Governor’s Executive Council…

I know it’s pointless, but I thought that I’d say it one last time before today’s vote :

Please don’t raise the tolls!

Ask yourselves these questions:

Has the NH DOT saved as much money as they possibly can? Has every stone been turned, leading up to the point of taking MORE money from the people?

You guys (and gals) know the answer
state workers
Is this really the most cost effective way?
If only the Execututive Councilors remembered that this is NH, not some other loser state. Why can’t we fix our DOT mismanagement woes the ‘ole fashioned way– by tightening the belts, fixing what’s wrong– dealing with those who created the mess in the first place– and make do without if there’s not enough money. All you have to do is drive 5 to 10 miles minimum in any direction here in NH, and I guarantee you that you will spot some sort of project or operation where the state is obviously wasting money. Perhaps Ray Burton should open his eyes (and his mind) as he’s being driven about the state. Dittoes for the rest of this group. Why don’t you guys be bold. Take a stand. After all, isn’t that the New Hampshire way?


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