What Christianity’s Not!


Even being a Christian myself, I’m sometimes embarrassed by how we act. We forget that God draws people to Himself, and we’re merely facilitators sometimes. I hate it when Christian’s beat people over the head with their Bibles rather than "lovingly" bringing them into the Kingdom. However, this can take on some interesting ideas of what "lovingly" means as well. Sometimes truth and honesty, wrapped in loving confrontation, feels anything but "lovingly." 


Since Bill Mayer is at it again, I thought some of you might be interested in reading Father Jonathan’s "loving confrontation" on Mr. Mayer’s un-enlightened state when it comes to Christianity. Yeah, I already know you chimps will be offended. God Bless you anyway.


Before any of us became Christians, we were all "un-enlightened" too and most of us didn’t understand God, or may have even believed that He didn’t exist at all. We certainly didn’t know what Christianity was really all about.


It’s kinda one of those things that you have to experience for yourself and then you’ll “get it.” Being forgiven for your sins, no matter what they are, is the biggest high in the universe…no drugs required. Perhaps that’s why some newly born agains (and old timers) can be, admitedly, a bit overly zealous.


The nice thing about God is that he already knows everything about you, and He’ll still welcome you into his Kingdom just as you are, warts and all. How many people do you know who will welcome you in your absolutely worst state? Pretty cool when you think about it…


But, after you “join” you’ll likely have a deep desire to change for the better. Plus, He’ll provide you some insight into yourself, too, and even possibly reveal why you do those stupid, destructive things you do. It’s a win-win situation if you’re willing. I like that! 


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