VLog: Rudy on radical Islam

In this prior post, it was noted that, writing in his blog, the Union Leader’s (NH) Drew Cline discussed Barack Obama’s wartime terminology and how it was somewhat similar to that used by Republican presidential wannabee Rudy Giuliani. More and more lately it appears as though Rudy’s characterization of our number one enemy, "Islamic terrorists" and "radical Islam" is the benchmark that others get compared against.
Here is a YouTube, just under three minutes in length, that features Rudy Giuliani discussing what he calls "our major enemy"– radical Islam. He was answering a simple question posed by one of the audience members:

"What do you think about radical Islam?"

I think Rudy’s answer was spot-on. His apparent understanding of WHO exactly our enemy is continues to draw my attention and appreciation.
As Hizzoner spends more and more time here in the Granite State on the campaign trail, it is becoming harder to conclude anything but that he is going to be a formidable candidate. Having seen and heard him on three separate occasions now, I find myself believing more and more that he is the right guy to take on whoever the Democrats select. Amazingly, I am almost feeling an excitement about a candidate that I haven’t really felt since, oh I don’t know… Reagan? I’ll bet that’s what others are beginning to think, too. Perhaps that explains Giuliani’s nice recent poll numbers in NH, Iowa, and South Carolina


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